Rebirth of Hui Qian (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永

Bhikkhu Hui Qian - His surname was Huangfu, and he was from northern China. He became a monk when he was young, strictly followed the precepts, and his ambitions and integrity were unwavering. He lived in Mount Lu for more than ten years. In the early years of Yixi of Emperor An of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (405 AD), he went to Jiaxiang Temple in Shanyin, Shanxi, he practiced self-discipline to guide the masses. He was very diligent, and led the masses by example. Five years later, he was bedridden and knew that he was about to die, so he concentrated on thinking about Amitabha Buddha in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and prayed devoutly to Guanyin Bodhisattva for protection and acceptance. At that time, there was a nun named Jingyan in the Shanyin North Temple. She was virtuous and strictly followed the precepts. At night, she dreamed that Guanyin Bodhisattva came in from the west gate. Guanyin Bodhisattva had a pure radiance and a wonderful appearance. The light was endless and reflected the sun and the moon. The various banners, incense, flowers, umbrellas and canopies on her body were all made of the seven treasures. Bhikkhuni Jingyan worshiped Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva respectfully and asked the Bodhisattva, "Where is Avalokitesvara going?" The Bodhisattva replied, "He is going to Jiaxiang Temple to welcome Master Huiqian to the Pure Land." Huiqian himself had seen the appearance of Avalokitesvara beforehand. Although Huiqian was seriously ill at this time, his spirit and complexion were as strong as usual. When he was dying, the people who served him smelled a strange fragrance, and he passed away soon after. At that time, all the monks and lay people who saw or heard about it expressed admiration. (Biographies of Eminent Monks)

- Excerpt from ‘Records of the Pure Land Sages’ 

东晋 慧虔

 慧虔。俗姓皇甫,北地人,年少时就出家,严格奉行戒法,志向操守坚定不移,居住庐山有十多年,东晋安帝义熙初年 ( 西元四○五年 ),往山西山阴嘉祥寺,克己修行化导众人,自身坚苦精进,以身作则率领大众。五年后,卧病在床,自知将要命终,因而专心忆想西方极乐世界阿弥陀佛,并虔诚祈求观世音菩萨护念摄受。当时山阴北寺,有一位名为净严的比丘尼,宿具德行严持戒法,夜里梦见观世音菩萨从西城门进来,观世音菩萨具有清净的光辉和殊妙的形貌,光明无尽映照日月,随身的种种幢幡香华伞盖,皆是七宝庄严所成。净严比丘尼恭敬礼拜观世音菩萨,并问菩萨曰 :“不知道观音大士要往哪里去?”菩萨回答曰 :“往嘉祥寺迎接虔公。”而慧虔自己也曾事先预睹观音圣像。慧虔此时疾病虽然缠绵沉重,但是精神气色一如平常健壮之时。临命终时,在旁奉侍的人都闻到奇异的香气,不久之后就入寂往生,当时无论出家在家亲见或听闻到的人,无不表示赞叹羡慕。(高僧传)

- 摘自《净土圣贤录》


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Sengji (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Sengxian (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永