Rebirth of Bhikkhu Sengxian (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永

Bhikkhu Sengxian - His surname was Fu, and he was from northern China. He was determined to practice all good deeds and precepts, recite sutras and practice meditation. He often stayed alone in the mountains and forests, or entered deep meditation for several days. In the last year of Emperor Yuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (321 AD), he traveled south to Jiangsu and visited various famous mountains and temples, and still practiced the sutra chanting and meditation that he had always practiced. Later, he encountered illness and fell seriously ill for a long time, so he decided to focus on contemplating Amitabha Buddha in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Because of his sincere heart, he later saw Amitabha Buddha and was touched by Amitabha Buddha's light, and the pain he had suffered from his body and mind was instantly eliminated. That night, he got up and took a bath, and then explained the realm he had seen and heard to his fellow practitioners, and disciples who served him. He also stated and warned everyone that the cause and effect of honestly practicing the Pure Land Dharma is absolutely true! In the early morning, he attained rebirth while sitting steadily. There was a special fragrance in the room that disappeared after more than ten days. ( Biographies of Eminent Monks )

- Excerpt from ‘Records of the Pure Land Sages’

东晋 僧显

僧显。俗姓傅,北地人,坚定苦修一切善行戒法,讽诵经典修习禅定,常常独处于山林之际,或者数日之间入于禅定。东晋元帝太兴末年 ( 西元三二一年 ),向南游化到江苏一带,经历各个名山道场,仍然修习以往恒常修持的诵经禅定。后来遇到疾病、沉重缠绵很久,因此才专注忆想西方极乐世界阿弥陀佛。由于内心非常精诚恳切,后来见到阿弥陀佛,并且蒙受阿弥陀佛放光照触身体,原本身心所受的痛苦顿时消灭。当天晚上,自己起身来洗澡沐浴,然后为同住的道友及侍奉疾病的弟子们,说明他自己所见所闻的境界,并且陈述告诫大家,老实修行净土法门的因缘果报,绝对是真实不虚的!到了清晨,平稳端坐而往生,室内有特殊的香味,经十多天才消失。( 高僧传 )

- 摘自《净土圣贤录》


Rebirth of Hui Qian (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huiyong (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永