Support Us
There are several ways you can support us.
Making offerings (donations)
You can make offerings (donations) to help with our charity's operational costs, such as website hosting, video production, rental, legal and administrative fees, etc. You can make an offering here:
1) Bank transfer
Name: Hai Hui Shan Intl Foundation
BSB - 063019
Account number - 12682277
BIC/SWIFT code: CTBAAU2S (for international transfer)
You can also make an offering via Paypal here.
2. Join Our Pure Land Team
You can also join our Pure Land volunteer team to volunteer with us, contribute your time and talents to help support sharing the Dharma. You can fill in the form on the right and let us know what you want to do!
Currently we need help with
Video uploading (help us upload videos on YouTube on a timely basis)
website management (help update new contents)
IT support (fix anything on the website should problems occur);
transcribing Jiawen’s video scripts into blog articles;
translation (If you like to translate any of Jiawen’s videos, you can submit the translated scripts to us, and we can add to the original video so people can watch in that language. If you like to translate Master Renshan’s videos (from Chinese to English and other languages), you can also do the same;
If you can translate our videos in a particular language on an on-going basis, you can also help us open a new channel in that language
graphic design (for cover photos of our videos & posters for events);
video editing & production (help us edit video to the next level)
For Nianfo facilitators and assist Nianfo volunteers, please apply here.
We intend to make high-quality Dharma videos to share online and reach global audiences.
Ps. If you have other ways you like to support us, please feel free to contact us.