Pure Land and Dharma Books
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This is a collection of helpful books in English that we found on the Pure Land Dharma. You can also find them on Amazon for electronic versions and support the authors. Some books may have mistakes, for instance, Mind Seal of the Buddha (Patriarch Ou-i's Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra), when it explains single-mindedness, it doesn't mean that one cannot have any thoughts when Nianfo, rather one can have thoughts but not be distracted by it. Jiawen also talked about this in her video here.
Pure Land Library
Pure Land Pure Mind, translated by J. C. Cleary
In One Life Time: Pure Land Buddhism by Venerable Shi Wuling
Letters from Patriarch Yinguang, translated by Master Thích Thiền Tâm
Buddhism of Wisdom and Faith by Thích Thiền Tâm
Awaken the Buddha Within by Venerable Shi Wuling
Taming the Monkey Mind: A Guide to Pure Land Practice, translated by Dharma Master Suddhisukha
Pure Land Buddhism: Dialogs with Ancient Masters by Patriarch Chih I and Master T'ien Ju, translated by Master Thích Thiền Tâm
Mind Seal of the Buddhas - Patriarch Ou-i's Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra, translated by J. C. Cleary
Passages from the Commentary on the Infinite Life Sutra by Venerable Master Chin Kung
Treatise Resolving Doubts About the Pure Land, translated by Charles B. Jones
Master Shandao's Commentary on the Visualisation Sutra (The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhavati, Peter Lunde Johnson, An Lac Publications, www.anlacpublications.com)
Going Home to the Pure Land by Venerable Shi Wuling
Essence of the Infinite Life Sutra by Venerable Master Chin Kung
Buddhism: The Awakening of Compassion and Wisdom by Venerable Master Chin Kung
A General Explanation of The Amitabha Sutra by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Liaofan's Four Lessons (了凡四训), interpreted by Mr. Zhi-Hai Huang
The 31 Planes of Existence by Venerable Suvanno Mahathera
"Path To Pure Land : The Final Teaching of Upasaka Xia Lian Ju" by Brian Chung