Rebirth of Bhikkhu Sengji (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永

Bhikkhu Sengji - His origin is unclear. He once entered Mount Lu and followed Master Huiyuan (the first patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism) to learn Buddhism. He was proficient in the essence of Buddhism. When he was just over 30 years old, he went down the mountain and then to the city to expound the sutras. He repeatedly served as the chief monk to teach the public. Master Huiyuan praised him and said: "The one who can promote Mahayana Buddhism with me must be you!"

Later, he was seriously ill, so he sincerely wished to be reborn in the Pure Land and focused on the image of Amitabha Buddha. Mater Huiyuan gave Sengji a candle and said: "You can concentrate on the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha." Sengji then held the candle and leaned against the table, concentrating on contemplating (Amitabha Buddha and His Pure Land) without distraction, and asked the monks to recite the "Infinite Life Sutra" for him. At five o'clock in the morning, Sengji gave the candle to his disciple Yuanbi and asked him to hold the candle and walk with the crowd (to recite the sutra). Sengji temporarily laid down on the bed to rest, and then he dreamed that he was holding a candle and flying in the air. He saw Amitabha Buddha taking him and placing him in the palm of Amitabha Buddha's hand, and then he suddenly woke up. Sengji said with joy: "I only spent one night to visualize and being mindful, and I was received by Amitabha Buddha. I realized that the physical body is an illusional combination of the four elements (earth, water, fire and air), and the pain of illness has now disappeared." 

The next evening, he suddenly stood up, looked towards the sky as if he saw something, and told his disciple Yuanbi: "The Buddha is here, I am going to be reborn (in the Pure Land)!" Then, he turned to the west and passed away. It was a very hot summer at that time. After three days, there was no change in his body, and a unique fragrance was thick and fragrant. He was 45 years old. ( "Biographies of Eminent Monks" "Biographies of Donglin")

东晋 僧济

僧济。其出身并不清楚,曾经进入庐山,追随远公学习佛法,精通悟入佛法大要,年纪才过三十岁,便下山入城开座讲经,屡次地担任首座和尚教授大众。远公对他赞叹说 :“能和我共同宏扬大乘佛法者,想必就是你吧!”后来疾病沉重,于是至诚恳切期愿得生净土,专注观想阿弥陀佛的形象。远公赠送僧济一枝蜡烛说 :“你可以专一心志忆想阿弥陀佛极乐世界。”僧济于是执持蜡烛倚靠着桌子,专注想念毫无散乱,又请大众僧为他诵《无量寿经》。到了五更的时候,僧济把蜡烛交给徒弟元弼,令他执持烛火随众经行。僧济则暂时卧在床上休息,接着就梦见自己秉持一枝蜡烛,凌空而行,见到阿弥陀佛将他接引安置于阿弥陀佛的手掌之中,遍至十方世界,然后突然醒过来,僧济满心喜悦地说 :“我只以一夜的时间观想忆念,便蒙阿弥陀佛接引。并自己省悟色身乃是四大假合,疾病痛苦的感觉现在已经全部消失。”隔天晚上,忽然起身站立,眼光迎向天空,好像看到什么东西似的,并告诉弟子元弼说 :“佛来了,我往生去了!”然后转身向西方而逝。当时正当极热的炎夏,经过三天而身体毫无变化,奇异的香气浓厚芳香。时年四十五岁。( 《高僧传》《东林传》 )


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huigong, Sengguang, and Huilan (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永


Rebirth of Hui Qian (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永