Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Nengfeng (Song Dynasty)

Nengfeng. A native of Qiantang, Zhejiang. She specialized in the Pure Land Dharma gate and often saw Amitabha Buddha’s light shining on her body. One day, she told her disciples despite not having any illness, “It is time for me to attain rebirth!” Not long after, people heard her chanting Amitabha Buddha’s name in a very high and earnest voice, so they went to visit her. Upon closer inspection, they found that Nengfeng had attained rebirth while sitting with her hands folded and facing the west. At this time, a unique fragrance filled the room, and there was a faint sound of music going to the west. (The Records of the Buddha)

宋 能奉

能奉。浙江钱塘人,专修净土法门,常常见到佛光照耀她的身体。有一天,毫无疾病, 告诉她的徒弟说 :“我往生的时候到了!”不久之后,大众听到她念佛的声音极为高亢恳切,于是前往探视,仔细一看,能奉已经合掌面向西方而坐化往生。此时有异香充满室内, 又有音乐声隐隐约约地向西方而去。


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Hui’an (Song Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Wu Xing (Song Dynasty)