Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Hui’an (Song Dynasty)

Hui'an. A native of Mingzhou, Zhejiang, she lived in Yang's Temple in Xiaoxi. She practiced chanting Amitabha Buddha's name to seek rebirth in the Western Pure Land, and also chanted the Diamond Sutra, without interruption regardless of the weather. She often saw the Buddha's light shining down in the room. One day, she showed signs of illness, sat upright, and warned everyone not to make a noise. After a while, she said, "Amitabha Buddha is coming!" She ordered everyone to chant Amitabha Buddha's name, and then quickly attained rebirth while sitting. She was 96 years old. (The Records of the Buddha)

宋 慧安


慧安。浙江明州人,住在小溪的杨氏庵。平日专修念佛法门求生西方,并持诵《金刚经》,无论寒暑都未中断。常常在室内,见到佛光照耀下来。有一天,示现疾病,自己正身端坐,警戒众人不可喧哗。经过一段时间之后,说 :“佛来了!”命令大众唱念佛名,然后迅速地坐脱往生,时年九十六岁。


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Nengfeng (Song Dynasty)