Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Wu Xing (Song Dynasty)

Wu Xing from the Song Dynasty, she lived in Mount Lu. She devoted herself to chanting Amitabha Buddha's name and seeking rebirth in the Western Pure Land. One day, she suddenly heard music in the air, and then told the people around her, "I have achieved middle-level rebirth, and I have seen that all of you who are diligent in chanting Amitabha Buddha's name have lotus flowers waiting for you in the Western Pure Land." After saying this, she attained rebirth immediately. (The Records of the Buddha)

宋 悟性

悟性。宋代人,居住于庐山,平日专志念佛,求生西方。有一天,忽然听到空中有音乐声,接着就告诉左右的人说 :“我已经得到中品往生了,而且见到诸位一同志向念佛精进的人,在极乐世界都有莲华等待他往生。”说完之后即刻往生。(佛祖统纪)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Nengfeng (Song Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Fazang (Tang Dynasty)