Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Fa Sheng (Liu Song Dynasty)

Fa Sheng. Her surname was Nie, and she hailed from Qinghe (Huaiyin County, Jiangsu Province). In the 14th year of Yuanjia (437 AD), when Emperor Wen of the Liu Song Dynasty was in power, she was already over 70 years old and became a monk in Jianfu Temple in Jinling (Nanjing). Fa Sheng was talented and intelligent. She once told Tan Jing and Tan Ai, who were practicing together, "I am determined to practice the Way and determined to be reborn in the Western Pure Land." On September 27, the 16th year of Yuanjia (AD 439), she paid homage to the Buddha under the pagoda. In the evening, she suddenly felt unwell and her condition worsened every day. In the evening at the end of that month, while she was taking a nap, she suddenly saw Amitabha Tathagata descending from the sky and discussing the two vehicles with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta. Their light shone brightly in all directions, and everyone in the temple was surprised. Fa Sheng told the public all about the realm she had seen. After speaking, she attained rebirth at the age of seventy-two. (Bhikshuni Biography)

刘宋 法盛


法盛。俗姓聂,清河(江苏淮阴县)人。刘宋文帝元嘉十四年(西元四三七年)时,年纪已经七十多岁了,出家于金陵(南京)的建福寺。法盛才识过人聪敏颖悟。曾经告诉一同修行的昙敬、昙爱说 :“我立身行道,志在求生西方净土。”元嘉十六年(西元四三九年)九月二十七日,在佛塔下礼佛,到了晚上突然身体不适,病情每日加重。就在当月月底的傍晚,正在小睡的时候,突然见到阿弥陀如来,从空而下,与观世音、大势至二大士谈论二乘法,光明显著照耀四方,寺里的大众皆感到惊异。法盛把她所见的境界全部告诉大众,说完之后随即往生,时年七十二岁。(比丘尼传)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Jingzhen (Tang Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Hui Mu (Liu Song Dynasty)