Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Hui Mu (Liu Song Dynasty)

Hui Mu, whose surname was Fu, became a nun at the age of eleven and lived in Liang County (northeast of Hefei County, Anhui Province), where she built Yilin Temple. She recited the Great Prajna Sutra every day and often had various supernatural sensations. She once dreamed that she had arrived in the Western Pure Land and saw a bathing pool with lotus flowers and many transformed people sitting in the lotus flowers.

Soon after, she asked the master to grant her precepts. In the precept platform, she suddenly saw that the sky and the earth were filled with light, all of which were golden.

One day, she paid homage to Amitabha Buddha with the crowd and fell to the ground without getting up. Someone kicked her and asked her why. She said, "When I fell to the ground, I suddenly felt that my body had arrived in the Western Pure Land. Amitabha Buddha had spoken the short Prajna Sutra to me, and had already spoken four volumes. I woke up because of the kick, and now I really regret that I couldn't finish listening to the sutra!" In the fourteenth year of Yuanjia of Emperor Wen of Liu Song (437 AD), Hui Mu was already sixty-nine years old, and it was unclear where she went later. (Fayuanzhulin). 

Translator’s note: For those who have seen Amitabha Buddha in their life, they are destined to attain rebirth in the Pure Land. Even though people were unclear where she went, she most certainly attained rebirth in the Pure Land.

刘宋 慧木

慧木,俗姓傅,年十一岁出家,居住在梁郡(安徽合肥县东北),建筑弋林寺。每日诵大品的《般若经》,常有种种的灵异感应。曾经梦见自己到了西 方极乐世界,见到一座浴池,其中有莲华,有很多化生的人,安坐在莲华之中。

不久之后请师父为她受戒。在戒坛之中,忽然见到天地之间充满光明,皆是黄金色。有一天,和大众一同礼拜无量寿佛,拜倒在地上而不起来。有人用脚踢她、问她何故?她说 :“当我拜倒在地之时,突然觉得自己身体已经到了极乐世界,阿弥陀佛为我说小品的《般若经》,已经说了四卷,因为被踢而觉醒过来,现在实在是很悔恨未能听完经典!”刘宋文帝元嘉十四年(西元四三七年),当时慧木已经六十九岁,后来不清楚她的去处。(法苑珠林)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Fa Sheng (Liu Song Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Buddhabhadra (Liu Song Dynasty)