Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Jingzhen (Tang Dynasty)

Jingzhen. She was from the Tang Dynasty, who lived in Jishan Temple in Chang'an City, and wore a kasaya and begged for food every day. She once recited the Diamond Sutra 100,000 times, and usually devoted herself to chanting Amitabha Buddha's name and seeking rebirth in the Pure Land. One day, she told her disciples, "In the past five months, I have seen Amitabha Buddha ten times, and twice saw a boy playing on the jewelled lotus flower. I have attained rebirth in the highest level!" After saying this, she immediately sat cross-legged and attained rebirth. At that time, auspicious light filled the temple. (The Records of the Buddha)

唐 净真


净真。唐代人,居住于长安城的积善寺,每日搭袈裟乞食。曾经诵《金刚经》十万遍,平日专志念佛求生净土。有一天,告诉弟子说 :“我五个月来,十次见到阿弥陀佛,两度见到宝莲华上有童子游戏,我已经得到上品往生了!”说完之后,立即结跏趺坐而往生,当时祥瑞的光明照满寺内。(佛祖统纪)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Fazang (Tang Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhuni Fa Sheng (Liu Song Dynasty)