Rebirth of Bhikkhu Tan Heng (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永

Bhikkhu Tan Heng - He was born in Hedong, Shanxi. He converted to Buddhism and became a monk as a child under Master Huiyuan (the first patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism). He was well versed in Buddhist classics and books. He was aloof and virtuous, and there were often large groups of reindeer surrounding him docilely. After he joined the Lotus Society of Mount Lu, he devoted himself to contemplating and chanting the Buddha name (Amitabha). In the 14th year of Yixi (418 AD) of Emperor An of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he attained rebirth while sitting upright with his hands clasped together and chanting the Buddha name loudly. (Donglin Biography)

东晋 昙恒

  昙恒。山西河东人。童年时就皈依远公剃度出家,佛门以及世间的内外经典书籍,无不通达贯彻。德行清高孤独不群,常常有大群的驯鹿温顺地围绕在他禅坐座位的旁边。自从入了庐山莲社之后,即专一心志忆佛念佛,东晋安帝义熙十四年 ( 西元四一八年 ),端坐合掌,高声念佛而往生。( 东林传 )


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Daojing of Liu Song


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huigong, Sengguang, and Huilan (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永