Rebirth of Bhikkhu Daojing of Liu Song

Daojing. A son of the Wang family in Langya (Zhucheng County, Shandong Province). His grandfather Wang Ningzhi was appointed as the governor of Jiangzhou, so he lived close to Mount Lu and followed Master Huiyuan (first patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism) to become a monk. At the age of 17, he was well versed in various sutras and could recite 10,000 words a day. He often lamented that it was difficult to complete the observation of precepts. In order to purify the six senses, he only focused on observing the precepts and did not study other things, as the fundamental door to escape from life and death. Master Huiyuan knew his firmness and integrity, so he praised him. Daojing usually chanted Amitabha Buddha's name day and night, and after Master Huiyuan’s rebirth, Daojing moved to Ruoye Mountain to live there. In the first year of Yongchu of Emperor Wu of Liu Song (420 AD), he suddenly told the crowd: "Master Huiyuan has come to tell me the time of my rebirth, and I am leaving!" Then he sat upright, chanted Amitabha Buddha's name and attained rebirth. Everyone saw a light filling the room, which disappeared after a long time. He was 52 years old. (Donglin Biography)

刘宋 道敬

道敬。琅琊 ( 山东诸城县 ) 王姓人家的子弟,祖父王凝之出任江州刺史之时,因而亲近庐山,然后追随远公剃度出家。年十七岁时,就广博通达种种经论,每日可以记诵一万字。平日常常感叹戒律难全,为了期愿能够清净六根,因此只专门受持戒律一门而不杂学,以作为度脱生死的根本要门。远公知道他的坚定正直,因而赞扬称许他。道敬平时专心念佛日夜不断,等到远公入寂往生之后,道敬因此进入若耶山居住。刘宋武帝永初元年( 西元四二○年 ),突然告诉大众说 :“远公先师已经来垂示告知往生之时,我走了!”然后正身端坐,念佛往生,大众都见到光明满室,过了很久之后才消失,时年五十二岁。(东林传 )


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Tan Shun (Liu Song Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Tan Heng (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永