Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huigong, Sengguang, and Huilan (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永

Bhikkhu Huigong - A native of Fengcheng, Yuzhang, Jiangxi. He joined the Lotus Society of Mount Lu, together with Sengguang, Huilan and others to follow Master Huiyuan (the first patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism) and learn Buddhism. Although, Sengguang and others were not as good as Huigong in learning, they were more pious and sincere than Huigong in concentrating on the Western Pure Land. Huilan once told Huigong: "Although you are eager to learn and have learned a lot, don't you know that the scriptures say: 'It's like a deaf person playing music, although it pleases others, but you can't hear it yourself.'" After hearing this, Huigong disagreed and did not believe what Huilan said. In the next seven years, Huilan and others attained rebirth first, and they all had wonderful phenomena accompany them when they attained rebirth.

Five years later, Huigong fell ill and was in a critical condition. He sighed and said, "When will the cycle of reincarnation end? Between death and rebirth, where will I end up?" He wept. prostrating himself, and vowed to be reborn in the Pure Land. His mind never stopped. One day, he suddenly saw Amitabha Buddha coming to greet him on a golden lotus platform. Huigong felt like he was riding on the lotus platform. He also saw Huilan and others in the light on the golden platform telling Huigong, "Elder, you have been reborn in the Pure Land and have reached the highest level. We can't help but feel happy and relieved. We only regret that the karma of the five turbidities and the evil world (i.e. Earth) has delayed you, because of which we only reunite so late!" Huigong then reported this extraordinary event to the public that day, and then attained rebirth with joy and excitement. It was the eleventh year of Yixi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (415 AD). (Donglin Biography)

东晋 慧恭、僧光、慧兰

慧恭。江西豫章丰城人,加入庐山莲社,与僧光、慧兰等一同追随远公学习佛法。僧光等人学习能力虽然不及慧恭,但是对于专心忆想西方净土,却比慧恭更为虔诚恳切。慧兰曾经告诉慧恭说 :“你虽然好学不倦学习广博多闻,但是难道不知道经典说 :‘就如同聋子演奏音乐,虽然取悦别人,但自己却听不到。’”慧恭听完之后不以为然,并不相信慧兰所说的。后来的七年之中,慧兰等人先逝世往生,往生的时候都有奇妙的感应。

又过了五年,慧恭得了疾病并且沉重危急,因此才感叹地说 :“六道轮回徘徊流转,何时才能停止呢?在死生去来之间,我又该以何处为归宿啊!”因此而泪如雨下叩头顶礼,誓愿发心往生净土,心意不曾稍有间断。有一日忽然见到阿弥陀佛,以金色莲台前来迎接,慧恭顿时觉得自己乘坐在莲台之上。又见到慧兰等人在金台上的光明之中告诉慧恭说 :“长老你往生净土,已经位居上品,我们忍不住感到喜悦和快慰,只恨五浊恶世的因缘把你耽搁,使我们这么晚才又相见相依啊!”慧恭于是在当天禀告大众这件殊胜感应的事情,然后内心喜悦而精神振奋地入灭往生。当时为东晋安帝义熙十一年 (西元四一五年 )。
( 东林传 )


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Tan Heng (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Sengji (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永