Rebirth of Bhikkhu Tan Shun (Liu Song Dynasty)

Tan Shun. A native of Huanglong, he became a monk at a young age and followed Master Kumarajiva to learn the Dharma. He was able to explain and expound on various sutras, and he could profoundly expound the deep principles of the two dharmas of form and emptiness and how one should not be attached to either. Master Kumarajiva praised him and said, "This boy is really a genius!" Later, he entered Mount Lu to practice Pure Land Buddhism. At that time, Liu Zunxiao, the lieutenant of the Ningman area, founded a temple in Jiangling and invited Tan Shun to be the abbot. As a result, he widely promoted the practice of Nianfo Samadhi (chanting Amitabha Buddha's name) in the local area. In the second year of Yuanjia (425 AD) of Emperor Wen of Liu Song, he bid farewell to the public and attained rebirth while sitting upright. At that time, a wonderful fragrance filled the whole house. He was 79 years old. (Donglin Biography)

刘宋 昙顺

昙顺。黄龙人,幼年出家,跟从鸠摩罗什大师学法。他讲解演说的种种经典,都能奥妙地穷尽色空二法皆不可著的甚深义理。罗什大师赞叹说 :“此子真是奇才根器啊!”后来入庐山,修习净土,当时宁蛮地区的校尉刘遵孝,创寺院于江陵,迎请昙顺住持安居,因此而在当地广大地宏扬念佛三昧。刘宋文帝元嘉二年 ( 西元四二五年 ),告别大众端坐往生,当时奇妙的香气充满了整个房子,享年七十九岁。( 东林传 )


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Buddhabhadra (Liu Song Dynasty)


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Daojing of Liu Song