FAQ: Why not go to other Pure Lands, such as the Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land, Maitreya Buddha’s Pure Land in the Tusita Heaven, and Akshobya Pure Land?  Why Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land? 

There are indeed infinite Pure Lands and infinite Buddhas in the ten directions. Having said that, Buddha’s Pure Lands are generally not easily accessible to ordinary unenlightened beings. 

For instance, The Pure Land of Akshobhya is only accessible by highly enlightened bodhisattvas (the 8th level of grounds and above). This is extremely (almost impossible) to realise for most beings on Earth. It is also not so easy for most people to attain rebirth to Maitreya Buddha’s Pure Land, one has to cultivate the upper grade of the ten good deeds and also obtain a certain level of meditative concentration in order to attain rebirth to Maitreya Buddha’s Pure Land. Also not so easy to attain rebirth to Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land (even the Medicine Buddha told us he will send eight great bodhisattvas to accompany us to go to Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land in the Medicine Buddha Sutra.

Out of all the Pure Lands, Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land is the easiet for all beings to go to without the need of first realising enlightenment in this lifetime, and with nine grades of rebirth Amitabha Buddha delivers all beings.  

The reason why we can go to Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land as an ordinary unenlightened beings is because Amitabha Buddha vowed so. It is entirely due to Amitabha Buddha’s great vow (particularly the 18th vow) that we can easily attain rebirth in His Pure Land with faith and vow and Nianfo. No other Buddhas made such an easy vow to receive sentient beings like Amitabha Buddha did. That’s why Shakyamuni Buddha, in many Mahayana sutras, all recommend us to go to Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land. So all all the Buddhas in the ten directions all praise the merit of Amitabha Buddha and His Pure Land (as seen in the vows of Amitabha Buddha and the Amitabha Sutra). 

You can watch Jiawen’s videos here about “Why Not Seek Rebirth to Other Pure Lands?” 

Namo Amituofo


FAQ: Is Amituofo from another universe or our own universe, cause I remember hearing each universe has its own Buddha from somewhere. 


FAQ: Why there are no women in the Pure Land as per 32nd vow of Amitabha Buddha? It seems sexist and discriminatory against women. And are there sex and marriage in the Pure Land?