FAQ: Why there are no women in the Pure Land as per 32nd vow of Amitabha Buddha? It seems sexist and discriminatory against women. And are there sex and marriage in the Pure Land? 

There are no genders in the Pure Land. Also no need for sex and marriages (sex and marriages only exist in low dimensional world like Earth). 

In the Pure Land, all beings are born through the transformation from the lotus flowers with golden indestructible bodies (which means there is no more gender). All beings look the same with no differences, one can truly realise the Oneness in all beings, there is no more separation, and no need for marriage etc. All beings have perfect faculties and Pure thoughts, all are enlightened. Even for those who aren't, when they go to the Pure Land they will soon realise enlightenment.

You can watch Jiawen’s video here: 



FAQ: Why not go to other Pure Lands, such as the Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land, Maitreya Buddha’s Pure Land in the Tusita Heaven, and Akshobya Pure Land?  Why Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land? 


FAQ: So who created humans in all of their complexity?