FAQ: What to do when I get distracted easily when Nianfo? My mouth is reciting Amituofo, but my mind is elsewhere.

 It’s common to get distracted when we Nianfo. An effective way to help us be focused is while we are reciting Amituofo, we also engage our ears to hear our own recitations. When our hearing faculty is locked, all the other five roots will alse be closed and we will not be distracted easily. Amituofo [six roots in Buddhism: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. The Buddha told us that beings in our world have the sharpest hearing faculty, so when our hearing faculty is locked, the other five roots will be locked automatically.] 


FAQ: What’s single-minded Nianfo as mentioned in the Amitabha Sutra? 


FAQ: How do we know if Amitabha Buddha comes to take us to the Pure Land or Mara is in disguise when at the time of death? How can one tell the difference?