FAQ: How do we know if Amitabha Buddha comes to take us to the Pure Land or Mara is in disguise when at the time of death? How can one tell the difference? 

Mara can’t be in disguise if you Nianfo and vow to be born in the Pure Land. Mara can’t intervene, as who can have greater power than Amitabha Buddha? No one and nothing can interfere with the Buddha’s light. It will be crystal clear when Amituofo comes, and you will see his bright light. 

If you only practice Nianfo as a self-effort meditation, it is possible you could have beings come and interfere with you during your meditation. However, this is not possible when you are at the time of attaining rebirth. No one can imitate Amitabha, and when Amitabha Buddha comes, you will definitely know. You don’t have to worry about that. You will definitely see Amitabha Buddha if you Nianfo with faith and vow to attain rebirth in His Pure Land. Amituofo 


FAQ: What to do when I get distracted easily when Nianfo? My mouth is reciting Amituofo, but my mind is elsewhere.


FAQ: Do we attain rebirth during the Bardo period (after death) or at the time of death when we are still alive?