FAQ: Is the Pure Land Mind-only or real? 

When people use the word Mind-only, they don’t understand the true nature of the Mind, which is boundless and limitless in nature, and encompasses everything. The Mind is not separaeted from the phenomena. “Form is emptienss, emptiness is form” (Heart Sutra). 

The Pure Land is both Mind-only and real. And when I say Mind-only, I mean the real mind that is boundless and limitless, the mind of the Buddha, the Buddha-nature within all beings. The Pure Land is created by Amitabha Buddha’s perfect enlightened mind and his great vows, hence, it is both Mind-only and real, non-dual. 


FAQ: Who are in the Pure Land? Who are Amitabha Buddha’s major attendants? What are the Three Sages of the Western Pure Land? 


FAQ: Is the Amitabha Buddha in the Pure Land the Dharmabody (Dharmakaya), Reward Body (Sambhogakaya) or the emanation body? (Nirmanakaya)?