FAQ: Who are in the Pure Land? Who are Amitabha Buddha’s major attendants? What are the Three Sages of the Western Pure Land? 

There are infinite enlightened beings in the Pure Land - Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Amitabha Buddha has two major attendants: Bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara), who represents the power of compassion and Bodhisattva Dashizhi (Mahāsthāmaprāpta), who represents the power of wisdom. Together they are known as the Three Sages of the Western Pure Land(西方三圣). Like Amitabha Buddha, they also have countless incarnations in the worlds of the ten directions to help save sentient beings. Amituofo. 


FAQ: Can the rebirth mantra be recited as well for attaining rebirth? 


FAQ: Is the Pure Land Mind-only or real?