FAQ: Are people able to move between the levels of rebirth in the Pure Land or if they are born in the lower level, will they be stuck there indefinitely? 

When we are born in the Pure Land, we will definitely realise Buddhahood. Those who attain rebirth in the higher levels to the Pure Land (nine grades of rebirth) will realise Buddhahood sooner than those who attain rebirth in the lower levels. However, beings who attain rebirth in the lower levels will still realise Buddhahood eventually.  They will not be stuck in the low level indefinitely, but will also progress quickly in the Pure Land, albeit slower than those who attain the higher levels. Amituofo. 


FAQ: What happens when we have bad thoughts that make us feel like a bad person, and also during Nianfo?


FAQ: How can someone just recite Amituofo ten times and go to the Pure Land