FAQ: How can someone just recite Amituofo ten times and go to the Pure Land

FAQ: If someone cannot have few good roots, blessings and karma to go to the Pure Land, how come if a person just chants ten times of Amitabha Buddha at the time of death can go to the Pure Land with his few good roots, is it contradictory? 

This is not contradictory. For people who encounter the Dharma, take belief and chant ten times to go to the Pure Land at the time of death - this is not a coincidence - it already indicates that this person has good roots, karma and blessings (from past lives). The karma matures at his time of death, as not many people will have the opportunity to encounter this Dharma at the time of death, let alone to say chant the Name and believe in it and vow to go to the Pure Land. This is not a coincidence but the maturity of his good karma. 

Namo Amituofo


FAQ: Are people able to move between the levels of rebirth in the Pure Land or if they are born in the lower level, will they be stuck there indefinitely? 


FAQ: Can we pray to Amitabha Buddha