A Genuine Heart

If one shares the Dharma

For money

Then don’t do it 

If one shares the Dharma 

For fame

Then don’t do it

You will be disappointed 

And that’s not 

The Pure intention 

Blessings of course will

Increase in the future 

When one shares the Dharma 

But not instant wealth

If you are desperate with money

And think you can make a lot of money 

By sharing the Dharma 

Then don’t do it 

If one shares the Dharma 

Not out of the Pure intent

Then one cannot do it

For much longer 

One will easily give up

When things don’t go

The way you expected 

If one wants to share 

The Dharma for long 

One must have the Pure intent

One must share it

From the pure heart

Without expecting anything

In return

One must generate

The unsurpassed Bodhicitta

Firm as the Diamond 


And from there 

You will keep going 

Regardless of what happens

Regardless of what

People may say or do

Regardless of whether 

You will get anything in return

You simply share

From the Pure heart

Doing without attaching 

To anything 

If one has this mindset

Then one can share

The Dharma for long

If one has deep faith

In the Dharma 

In Amituofo 

Then one will do it

Regardless of what happens 

Namo Amituofo




FAQ: What is Pure Land Buddhism?