
No words can describe 

The ultimate truth

That’s why when the Buddha

Realised enlightenment 

He didn’t really tell us about

Exactly what he realised

As if truth can be spoken

In words then it’s not

The ultimate truth

Like Lao Tzu also said 

The Tao (Way) that 

Can be spoken is not

The eternal Tao

Truth can only be experienced 

No words can describe 

Due to the limitations of

The human language 

All words and talks are 

Simply ways of convenience 

To point us to see the Truth

Like the Buddha pointing 

To the full moon with his finger

All talks and all sutras are

Like the finger 

Like the map

Which provides the direction 

To help us realise 

The ultimate truth

One will have to experience 

And also do not be attached

To any experience 

When one is completely 


Non-abiding in any experience 

(Including the so-called truth & enlightenment etc.,) 

One is here (no attachment either) 

However for most beings

In this life to reach the ultimate truth 

Best is to attain rebirth 

In the Western Pure Land

As attachments are the most

Difficult to let go of for most people 

In this world 





Remember to Nianfo


A Genuine Heart