FAQ: What is Pure Land Buddhism?

Pure Land Buddhism is the largest and most significant branch of Mahayana Buddhism in Chinese Buddhism. It is the most popular and widely practised form of Buddhism in China, Japan, Vietnam and other East Asian countries. The reason for its popularity is due to the ease of practice, which is much easier than Chan (Zen) Buddhism and other forms of Buddhism. 

There are many schools in Buddhism which are all about the different practices taught by the Buddha to help us attain enlightenment and realise Buddhahood (perfect enlightenment), to be completely awakened and to realise the truth of life and the Universe. In the sutras (Buddha's teachings),  the Buddha told us there are 84,000 Dharma Doors (practices), in fact, innumerable paths to enlightenment. 

Nianfo (Amitabha-recitation)

The primary practice in Pure Land Buddhism consists of Nianfo 念佛 (Chinese, which means mindfulness of the Buddha), also known as Amitabha-recitation, where one recites the Name of Amitabha Buddha repeatedly to help one obtain peace of mind in the moment and also to attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss at the time of death to transcend the cycle of Samsara (reincarnation) and realise Buddhahood. 

The Pure Land path is known as the easiest path as there is no need for one to realise enlightenment in order to attain rebirth in the Pure Land. One only needs belief (faith)vow and practice (Nianfo) to attain rebirth in the Pure Land due to Amitabha Buddha’s great vows. Once one is in the Pure Land, one has completely transcended the cycle of reincarnation and can realise Buddhahood much more quicker in the Pure Land. 

Shakyamuni Buddha said in the sutra during the Dharma-ending age (1500 years after the Buddha entered Parinirvana) the Pure Land Dharma gate is the easiest for beings to succeed (i.e. to transcend the cycle of reincarnation and realise Buddhahood) due to it will be really difficult for anyone to realise enlightenment entirely on their self-effort in the Dharma-ending age where there is too much desire and suffering filled in the world (which is currently the period we are in).a


A Genuine Heart


FAQ: Is Pure Land Buddhism the real teachings by the Buddha?