Lalitavistara Sūtra ( 方广大庄严经 )

Lalitavistara S
ūtra (The Play in Full, 方广大庄严经 ) tells the story of how the Buddha manifested in this world and attained awakening, as perceived from the perspective of the Great Vehicle. The sūtra, which is structured in twenty-seven chapters, first presents the events surrounding the Buddha’s birth, childhood and adolescence in the royal palace of his father, king of the Śākya nation. It then recounts his escape from the palace and the years of hardship he faced in his quest for spiritual awakening. Finally the sūtra reveals his complete victory over the demon Māra, his attainment of awakening under the Bodhi tree, his first turning of the wheel of Dharma, and the formation of the very early saṅgha.

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Lalitavistara Sūtra (English Translation)

Lalitavistara Sūtra(Chinese Translation)


Abhiniśkramana Sūtra ( 佛本行集经 )