Abhiniśkramana Sūtra ( 佛本行集经 )

The Abhiniśkramana Sūtra ( The Romantic Legend of Shakya Buddha, 佛本行集经 ) - is a treatise on the life of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha. It retells, among other episodes, how he left his palace to lead the life of an ascetic and his journey thereafter and also details his life in Tushita heaven prior to being born as the prince Siddhartha Gautama on Earth.

It was translated into Chinese in the sixth century CE by Jnanagupta, a Buddhist monk from Gandhara.

Links to Download -

Abhiniśkramana Sūtra (English Translation) (the English translation is not perfect, but at least it’s great that there is an English translation, rejoice in the translator’s effort and merit.)

佛本行集經 (Chinese Translation)


Lalitavistara Sūtra ( 方广大庄严经 )


The Dīrgha Āgama ( 长阿含经 )