Why I Chose Pure Land Buddhism?

This is what made me choose Pure Land Buddhism:

1) Pure Land Buddhism is the most suitable expedient for most sentient beings in our Dharma Ending Age (2000 years after Shakyamuni entered Mahaparinirvana).


Very few people, in extremely rare cases, attain the stage of non-retrogression or enlightenment in this life-time by following various self-power practices belonging to the different schools of cultivation (Chan, Yogacara, Tien-Tai, Vajrayana etc.). This also means that no one knows where they will end up being reborn after this lifetime. Most likely they will fall into the Three Evil Paths (animals, hungry ghosts and hell realms). Scary situation to be in, given the complexity of samsāra, right?

Comparing this to the Pure Land way - everyone who practices will attain the stage of non-retrogression and enlightenment in the next life as promised by Buddha Amitābha once they are reborn in Sukhāvati after death (as mentioned in The Shorter Sukhavativyuha Sutra?Amitabha Sutra and Infinite Life Sutra).

2) The practice of reciting the name verbally or silently, with sustained mindfulness, is simple and involves no complexity as compared to other practices. One can recite sitting, standing, lying down and anywhere at anytime making it extremely simple, practical and portable.

3) It is suitable for sentient beings of all inclinations and abilities, from the lowest to the highest. This is because the six character mantra - "Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo" is equivalent to Buddha Amitābha's wisdom, power and compassion and the merits accrued from chanting it can benefit all who chant/hold it in mind. 

4) Buddha Amitābha, other Bodhisattvas and sages will appear at the time of one's death to comfort the practitioner and take him/her to the Pure Land (there are 9 grades of rebirth in Sukhāvati depending on one's cultivation, as mentioned in the Contemplation Sutra/Visualisation or Amitayurdhyana Sutra). Sentient beings fear their own death the most; it is the root cause of all fear. By appearing at the time of death, Buddha Amitābha calms down the practitioner and stays with one through the entire process of rebirth.

Needless to say, if one observes with an open mind, Pure Land Buddhism is the most efficient and practical way to get out of samsāra.

Namo Amituofo  

Namo Amitābha Buddha

Om Amitābha Hrih

By - MiaoYin (Dharma Volunteer)

Note: Many practitioners of the Chan and Vajrayana schools also seek rebirth in Sukhavati because of the simplicity and certainty of the Pure Land Path.


Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huichi (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧持


Celebration of Manjushri Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day  恭迎文殊菩萨成道日