Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huichi (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧持

Bhikkhu Huichi - He was the younger brother of Master Huiyuan (i.e. the first patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism), who was born to the same mother.

Together with Master Huiyuan, he served Master Daoan, studied all the scriptures and had noble virtues. During the Long'an period of Emperor An of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he bid farewell to his elder brother Huiyuan and went to Sichuan, where they agreed to be reborn in the Pure Land together. He lived in Longyuan Temple in Pi County and widely spread the Buddha's teachings. He passed away in the eighth year of Yixi of Emperor An of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (412 AD) at the age of 76.

His last words ordered his disciples to strictly observe the precepts and concentrate on the Pure Land Dharma, etc. (Donglin Biography, Collection of Mt Lu)

- Excerpt from ‘Records of the Pure Land Sages’

慧持。是远公同母所生的弟弟,与远公一同奉事道安大师,遍学一切经典,也有高尚的德行,东晋安帝隆安年间,辞别兄长慧远,进入四川,以一起往生净土为两人的约定。住郫县龙渊寺,广大地宏传佛陀的教化,东晋安帝义熙八年 ( 西元四一二年 ) 圆寂往生,年七十六岁。遗言命令弟子,务必严守律仪,专心净土法门等等。( 东林传庐山集 )



Rebirth of Bhikkhu Huiyong (Eastern Jin Dynasty) 东晋 慧永


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