The Perfect Mirror-Like Wisdom

Your true nature 

Is the perfect mirror-like wisdom 大圆镜智

The source of everything 

(the alaya consciousness is still another layer of illusion, 

it also comes from the Source)

The perfect mirror-like wisdom 

Perfect mirror-like Heart

The Buddha-nature, the Tathagatha,


Whatever you want to call it 

The unfathomable 

Reflects everything like a mirror 

Viewing everything at ease 

Understand all clearly 

With no attachment

No judgment 

No separation

Simply knowing 

The all-knowing 

All-encompassing wisdom

Originally here

No birth no death

No creation nor destruction 

Originally pure

Originally untainted 

Infinite Light & Life

It’s always here

When you stop identifying

With all the temporary thoughts

And emotions

You will see

It’s always here

The knowing of


Namo Buddhaya

Namo Amitabhaya

Infinite Light Infinite Life 


The Essence Of You Is The Same As The Essence Of The Universe


A Game Of Dreams