A Game Of Dreams

Life is but a game

A game of illusions

A game of dreams 

Created by our thoughts

And the mind of ignorance 

Don’t overanalyse illusions

Don’t overanalyse dreams 

Because it would just 

make no sense 

Illusions are simply


Thoughts and emotions

Are simply illusions

Temporary and ephemeral 

Impermanence is 

Its hallmark

Don’t think

They are real

Nothing is real

Like a dream

It may appear real

But only to 

The dreamers 

For those who are awake

Will know 

It’s simply a dream

Playing in the 

Game of dream

You can create 

Your reality 

With your mind

Shape the experience 

With your thoughts

You are the creator

Of your destiny 

The God of

Your own life 

Your own dream

There’s a secret code

To unlock the dream

And awaken to

The Eternal Truth 

Amitabha Amitabha Amitabha

Realise your True Nature

The source of who we all are

Infinite Light and Life

Migrate to His Pure Land

Of Ultimate Bliss 

Another dream but

Created by the Real Mind

More real than the Saha World

Created by our delusional mind 

There you will know

The Truth of Life 

And the Universe 

Alas, don’t take

This life too seriously 

Don’t take 

This dream too seriously 

Have fun experiencing 

The impermanent dream

Simply knowing 

Simply being aware 

Simply playing your role

In the game of dreams 

And enjoy the game 

See you on 

The other side 😉





The Perfect Mirror-Like Wisdom


Compassion: The Boundless Heart