The Joyous Thing In The World

The joyous thing happened to me

In this world is when I encounter Amitabha 

There’s nothing more valuable

Nothing more precious

Nothing can bring more joy to me

Than encountering Amitabha Buddha

And His Pure Land

Every night I go to sleep in peace

Knowing where I will end up 

After this temporary existence here on Earth

Knowing that I can finally

Transcend all suffering in the Samsara 

No more being trapped in 

the meaningless cycle of reincarnation

Knowing that I can finally 

Realise Buddhahood after this lifetime

I can finally realise

The true nature of who we truly are

Infinite Light and Life

Infinite Peace and Bliss

Infinite Abundance and Happiness 

What else is there to worry about?

I have no concerns of whatsoever 

In this world

If I lose all my money

If I don’t possess anything 

I will still be happy and joyful 

If I lose my life in any way 

I’m not scared 

Because our consciousness 

Never dies 

And I’m going to the Pure Land anyway 

Every day I wake up with a big grin 

On my face

Knowing that I’m one more day

Closer to being reborn in the Pure Land

Nothing in the world

Can bother me the slightest 

Absolutely nothing

With Amituofo in my mind

In my Heart forever

We are always protected

Wherever we go

Never again lost in the Samsara

Never again lost anywhere

Time to go home

After this life

Children of Amituofo 

Your father is waiting for you

For ten Kalpas already in the Pure Land

Actually countless aeons

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 

have waited for us…

To join them 

In the Dharma realm

To finally awaken to 

The Truth of life and the Universe 

The Universe is much more interesting 

Than your limited knowledge 

Have full faith in Amituofo 

Drop all your doubts 

He will never disappoint you 

If my words aren’t true

I will voluntarily fall into the Avici hell and suffer for countless aeons

But this is not possible 

As I know for 1000% Amituofo is sooo real

More real than anything

You will ever experience in this world of delusions 

The Pure Land is our real home! 

The home where we belong 

The home where we ought to go back

After this lifetime

May all beings hear the name of Amituofo and be reborn in His Pure Land

Namo Amituofo

Namo Amitabha Buddha




Self Power vs Other Power