Self Power vs Other Power

Our own self-power is limited

We want to be disciplined 

But often failed

We want to tame temptations 

But often failed 

If one wants to be successful 

In one’s spiritual journey 

It’s important to call on

The assistance of the 

Perfect enlightened beings

Like a student on the path

It’s important we are being

Assisted and guided by

Our teachers 

There’s no greater help

Than the help of 

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 

There’s no greater teacher

Than the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 

To call on the help of Amituofo 

For attaining rebirth in

His Pure Land

One can realise enlightenment easily 

One can attain rebirth in

His Pure Land entirely relying

On the power of Amituofo 

There’s also a bit of self-effort

That is to believe in it and

To vow to attain rebirth 

And Nianfo

But mostly relying on

The power of Amituofo 

To deliver us to the Pure Land

Due to his great compassionate vows

Otherwise one cannot go

Without faith in the Buddha’s power 

Even if one has the perfect Nianfo practice 

(As the Buddha-field is so far away from our ordinary mind) 

One can also call on

The assistance of Guanyin 

To help when one’s in danger 

When one is much troubled

By the thoughts of lust 

Anger and ignorance 

Guanyin also made specific vows

To help with those afflictions 

It’s much easier if we rely

On the help of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 

Than just entirely trying to do it

On our own

The fact is you don’t have to 

Do it on your own

There’s always help available 

If you are willing to believe 

In the wise words of the Buddha

The unsurpassed teachings 

Of the Buddha 

To recite the name of Amituofo 

Repeatedly is the best way

To purify our body speech and mind

You can also add on

The name of Guanyin 

If you feel the connection 

Namo Guanshiyin Pusa 

Namo Amituofo 

Namo Fundamental teacher

Shakyamuni Buddha


The Joyous Thing In The World


Waiting for You to Come Home