FAQ: Can evil people like me go to the Pure Land? 

Comment: It's all nice to hear, but how can one of evil like myself enter the Pure Land? I will be lucky to be cast into the sea of tortured ghosts.

The Pure Land Dharma is a unique Dharma gate in that one does not need to be enlightened by self-effort to enter into the Pure Land. Amitabha Buddha accepts all beings unconditionally into His Pure Land as long as you are willing to believe (faith) and vow to be born in His Pure Land (vow) and recite His Name (Nianfo practice). 

Your faith and vow determine whether you can be born into the Pure Land or not. Your level of practice determines your grade of rebirth (nine grades of rebirth). 

Even for people who have committed evil, if they are willing to take the heart of repentance, i.e. to take the change of heart and know that they are wrong (sounds like you already have), and also want to attain rebirth to Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land, Amitabha Buddha will still come to receive you at the time of death.

So evil people who are willing to take the change of heart and Nianfo and want to go to the Pure Land, even at the time of death, can still be born in the Pure Land due to Amitabha Buddha's great compassionate vows. You may be born in a lower grade but even being born in a lower grade in the Pure Land is still so much better than being in the cycle of reincarnation, and you will also have the same chance of realising Buddhahood once you are in the Pure Land (it will be much easier there than in our Saha world). 

So as long as you are willing to believe and vow to be born in His Land, and start Nianfo now, you can definitely be received by Amitabha Buddha at the time of death. 

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amituofo


FAQ: At what point is rebirth to the Pure Land assured? Does one need to realise Nianfo Samadhi in order to attain rebirth? 


FAQ: How do you practice Nianfo in your daily life? Do you practice Nianfo meditation in the mornings and afternoons?