FAQ: How do you practice Nianfo in your daily life? Do you practice Nianfo meditation in the mornings and afternoons? 

I have my fixed practice in the morning and evening (in our temple and our Nianfo Zoom). During the day, I just Nianfo whenever I can. 

If yes, during meditation ;

a) Which sitting posture do you use?

For my fixed practice, I sit cross-legged. During the day, I just Nianfo whenever I can (while I’m walking, gardening, cooking and doing other things)

b) How long?

My fixed practice is about 30mins - 1hr daily, and during the day, I just Nianfo whenever I can. 

c) Eyes slightly open or closed

Either. Half open with eyes looking at the nose tip is good. 

d) Hand position

Meditation mudra for my fixed practice, or sometimes hands join in the heart or relax on the knees. During the day, it doesn’t matter. 

e) Do you focus on lower dan tien?

Not really, I mainly engage my ears to hear my own chant. 

f) Do you practice with in-breath and out-breath? Do you repeat Amituofo when breathing in, and do you repeat Amituofo when breathing out? 

Not really, but you can too if you feel it helps. I just use my ears to hear my own chant to control the six roots, the meditation technique recommended by Patriarch Yinguang, the 13th Patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism. 

Ps. I don’t think there is one method fits all, you can experiment whichever Nianfo methods you prefer and you can just practice with that. And if you are too busy in your daily life for fixed practice, you can just recite Amituofo ten times in the morning and/or evening and just Nianfo whenever you can throughout the day.  I also have many videos on different methods of Nianfo which you can also have a look at our Channel. 

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amituofo


FAQ: Can evil people like me go to the Pure Land? 


FAQ: I Nianfo at the hospital but I didn’t see Amitabha during my near-death experience