Precious Teachings from Master Yinguang - A General Guideline for Pure Land Practitioners

the Great Master Yinguang - 13th Patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism

Whether at home or becoming a monk, one shall respect the elders and live harmoniously with others. One shall bear what others can't stand and do what others can't [editor’s notes: This is to help us cultivate forbearance and patience]. To help others and be in accord with others. When one sits silently, one shall reflect on one's mistakes and not gossip about the right and wrong of others.

Whether one is walking, sitting and sleeping, dressing and eating, from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn, one shall always Nianfo (recite the Name of Amitabha Buddha) uninterruptedly, either in a low voice or silently, apart from Nianfo, do not give rise to other thoughts. If delusional thoughts arise, one shall eliminate them instantly.

One shall often give rise to the heart of repentance and be ashamed. Even with true cultivation, one shall feel that one's practice is shallow and never boast. One shall only mind one's own business and not the business of others. One shall only look at the good in others instead of their shortcomings. One shall perceive all the people as Bodhisattvas and only myself as an ordinary being. If one can practice according to what I say, one can definitely attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

[editor’s notes: by not focusing on the shortcomings of others, it’s easier for us to keep our minds pure. If we look at the wrongs and shortcomings of others, then we can also generate afflictions. Even for people who do evil towards us, we can perceive them as bodhisattvas who try to test our practice so we will not give rise to afflictions, anger and hatred.]



Celebration of Manjushri Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day  恭迎文殊菩萨成道日


How to Host Regular Nianfo Gatherings in Your City