How to Host Regular Nianfo Gatherings in Your City

When Jiawen began to host weekly Nianfo meditation in Melbourne, she realised how rare this type of meditation/gathering is, and she hoped to help more people who have similar interests to share Nianfo by hosting such gathering in their local areas.

I. Finding a suitable venue

  • Find a venue that is convenient for many people, and can be easily accessed by public transportation or easy parking.

  • Make sure the rent is cheap/affordable. It can be like a community centre or yoga studio, which you can rent for an hour or so, so there is no pressure to keep it going in the long term (Jiawen hosts the gatherings in a tea house in Melbourne, and the owner also happens to be a Nianfo practitioner, so the venue is offered for free by the owner). It can even be in the park or in the nature, so rent free :)

  • We suggest keeping the event free of charge so more people can come. People can be sensitive to pricing these days, and it is best to offer this type of meditation for free to attract more people (If money is an issue, you can keep donations as an option, but just make sure people won’t feel pressured).  

II. Posting the event on social media

  • Many people may not like to use social media and we understand, but to reach a wider audience, this is probably the most effective way.

  • We also find the Meetup platform to be quite good for local gatherings.

  • We can also help you advertise throughout our network if you have put the event up and intend to keep it going in the long term. 

III. Formatting for hosting the event 

Many people who want to host Nianfo meditation may not know what kind of format one should use, so here are a few suggestions. You can of course be creative!

1. Greeting & Self-introduction

When people come, you can greet everyone and do a bit of self-introduction - e.g., your own spiritual journey and how you encountered this type of meditation. You can also have guests briefly introduce themselves and share what brought them here (if not too many people and if time permits).

2. Talk a bit about why we should meditate and what meditation is

To meditate means to cleanse our minds daily. Just like we should shower our body each day to keep it clean, we should also meditate daily to purify our mind :)

What is meditation? - One can have thoughts, but just don’t be attached to them. To meditate doesn’t mean one can’t think, which is a common misunderstanding.

3. Explain to your audience, “What is Nianfo? “

Nianfo is a simple and effective meditation to help us obtain peace of mind and be in the present. One can practice Nianfo anywhere, anytime, and one is not required to sit in a meditative position, as meditation is about the state of our mind.  

Nianfo (念佛) in Chinese means “Mindfulness of the Buddha”. When we Nianfo, we recite/chant the Name of Amitabha Buddha (Namo Amituofo or simply Amituofo in Chinese), which means Infinite Light and Life. The Buddha (Awakened) nature in all beings is the Oneness in all things and all beings. To Nianfo helps us to activate the original Buddha nature in all beings, to perfect wisdom and blessings like that of a Buddha. Buddha is a title, given to a perfect enlightened being. Buddha nature is within all beings. 

4. How do we Nianfo? 

How we Nianfo is by reciting the Name of Amitabha, Amituofo in Chinese. We can say “Namo Amituofo” or simply “Amituofo,” just chanting “Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo...” Use your ears to hear your own recitations. You may have many other wandering thoughts when you Nianfo, but don’t worry. You don’t need to be attached to them. Simply keep your focus on the Name of Amitabha Buddha, “Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo.” Use your ears to hear your own recitation, so you are not distracted by other people’s practice. “Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo…” Slowly you will notice your wandering thoughts will subside. Why do we have so many wandering thoughts daily? Because our six roots - eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and consciousness keep running outside, when we come into contact with the external environment, and also get caught up in our internal thoughts. This is not good for us, as it is difficult to keep our peace of mind. 

When we Nianfo, we can begin to transform our negative thoughts (worries, anxiety, negative emotions) into positivity, Infinite Light and Life, Infinite Peace and Happiness, which is the True Nature of who we are. 

Although Nianfo is a Buddhist meditation, it’s not restricted to any religion, as the essence of Buddhism is not a religion, but a path to help us awaken to the True Nature of who we are, the Truth of life and the Universe. People from all backgrounds and all religions are welcome to practice it and experience the positive effects themselves. 

5. Leading Nianfo 

There are many ways you can do it - you can play a track you like and get people to follow.

Below are our recommended Nianfo playlists: 

Daily Nianfo & Foqi Playlist

Assisted Nianfo Playlist

Namo Amituofo Chant

One can rotate between Nianfo in a seated position and also walk around and Nianfo (which is a common practice in temples and also a good exercise :))

Another popular Nianfo track is this Earth Bell Nianfo 地钟念佛 (used by the Pure Land centres around the world):

In the end, one can also do a bit of silent sitting.  

6. Introduce the Pure Land (one can integrate this in-between Nianfo sessions or leave it until the end when people are more receptive, also one doesn’t need to force anybody to believe in anything, one simply present the information as it is :)) 

The Nianfo meditation was taught to us by Shakyamuni Buddha (the Buddha in our world) in the sutras (the recorded teachings of the Buddha), such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Infinite Life Sutra. Shakyamuni Buddha told us in the vast Universe, there is a world to the west of our world, about ten trillion Buddha-lands away, called the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati); there is a Buddha living there named Amitabha who is right now teaching the Dharma. The world is called Ultimate Bliss because in that world, there is no suffering, but all bliss. When one is near death, if one can recite the Name of Amitabha Buddha, even for ten recitations, one can attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land. This may sound difficult to believe, but many people in China, since ancient China until nowadays, have Nianfo and seen Amitabha Buddha receive them at the time of death to attain rebirth in His Pure Land. There is even a book called the Sages of the Pure Land (净土圣贤录), which recorded many rebirth cases in China (this book will be translated into English in the future). 

The Buddha told us this is the easiest way for us to transcend the cycle of samsara (six realms of reincarnation). Attaining rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land is as simple as reciting His Name with faith (one believes in it), and vow (one wishes to go to the Pure Land). One can then attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land without first realising enlightenment in this life. When one is in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land, one will realise enlightenment and perfect Buddhahood (the ultimate potential of the Mind).

7. Merit Transfer towards the end

The gathering can end with a simple merit transfer. We transfer the merit to the people around us, to our loved ones, to all the beings around the world and in the ten directions. May all beings obtain peace and happiness. 

You can find our weekly events “Free Nianfo Meditation + Zen Tea” in Melbourne, Australia on our website, Facebook and in our Meetup group “Free Meditation Melbourne” here.

Sneak peek of our past event

🙏 Namo Amitabha Buddha 🙏

🙏 Namo Amituofo 🙏


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