One-heartedly Take Refuge in Amitabha Buddha

One-heartedly take refuge in Amitabha Buddha of the Land of Ultimate Bliss. 

May His pure light shine upon me, may his compassionate vows save me.

I now single-heartedly recite the name of the Tathagata (Amitāyus), attain rebirth for the Bodhi path.

The Buddha made his fundamental vow in the past: 
if there are sentient beings, who are willing to come to my Land, sincerely and joyously believe, even for ten recitations, if they cannot be born, may I not attain the perfect enlightenment.

With the cause of Nianfo, I can enter the sea of great vows of the Tathagata. With the compassionate power of the Buddha, all the karmic obstacles are eliminated, and the good roots grow.

At the time of death, knowing my time of rebirth, my body is free from illness, my heart is non-attached, my mind undeluded, as if entering into meditation.

The Buddha and all the sages, holding a golden platform in his hand, come to receive me.

In one instant, I’m born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

When the lotus opens, I see the Buddha, instantly hearing the Buddha’s vehicle, spontaneously activate the Buddha’s wisdom, save all sentient beings, and fulfil the Bodhi vow.  

All the Buddhas in the ten directions of the three times

All the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas



- by Dharma Master Ciyun (Compasisonate Cloud) (Song Dynasty)


About the author:

Dharma Master Ciyun (Compassionate Cloud) Zunshi (慈云遵式法师) was born in the Song Dynasty in China, his mother prayed to Guanyin for a child, and he was born. Since a young age, he had been reciting the name of Guanyin with his mother. Then he became a monk, first studied the Vinaya school, then studied the Tiantai school, and spread the Dharma everywhere. He wrote many rituals for repentance and led many repentance assemblies, so he was also named the Master of Repentance. In his later years, he focused purely on the Pure Land Dharma and single-heartedly wanted to attain rebirth. He even practised the Pratyutpanna Samādhi (般舟三昧Bozhōu Sānmèi; editor’s note: this is an extreme form of Nianfo Samadhi where a person recites the Name of Amitabha Buddha constantly walking and praying without sitting, laying and sleeping for 90 days -we do not recommend for nowadays practitioners, just simply chant the Name of Amitabha Buddha whenever one can!).

After 90 days, he vomited out blood, and the skin of his feet cracked. He was willing to let go of his life at that moment. Then he dreamed of Guanyin extending her hand and pointing at his mouth, a few worms came out, and Guanyin also poured nectar into his mouth, feeling refreshed physically and mentally, his illness instantly healed. He also wrote many articles on the Pure Land during his life, notably the ritual on the Pure Land Repentance (《净土忏法》), Practises and Vows to Eliminate Doubts on the Pure Land (《净土抉疑行愿》); He attained rebirth by sitting at the age of 69, people also saw many auspicious signs during his rebirth.  

一心皈命,极乐世界,阿弥陀佛。愿以净光照我,慈誓摄我。 我今正念,称如来名,为菩提道,求生净土。 佛昔本誓,若有众生,欲生我国,至心信乐,乃至十念。若不生者,不取正觉。 以此念佛因缘,得入如来大誓海中。承佛慈力,众罪消灭,善根增长。若临命终,自知时至,身无病苦,心不贪恋,意不颠倒,如入禅定。 佛及圣众,手执金台,来迎接我。 于一念顷,生极乐国。 花开见佛,即闻佛乘,顿开佛慧,广渡众生,满菩提愿。十方三世一切佛,一切菩萨摩诃萨,摩诃般若波罗蜜。

- 慈云忏主净土文

慈云忏主遵式法师(宋) 简介:



Guanyin’s Enlightenment Day & Guanyin’s Great Vows


The 31 Planes of Existence