Guanyin’s Enlightenment Day & Guanyin’s Great Vows
Namo Guanyin Pusa 南摩观世音菩萨
Today is the enlightenment day of Bodhisattva Guanyin in Chinese Buddhism (19th day of the sixth lunar month).
Guanyin, also known as Avalokiteśvara, is probably the most venerated and most beloved Bodhisattva in Chinese Buddhism and among Mahayana Buddhists around the world. Thename “Guanyin” is so well-known that even many non-Buddhists know and venerate her.
Guanyin Bodhisattva realised Buddhahood long ago as the Tathāgata Right Dharma Brightness (正法名如来), but chose to come back to this world as a Bodhisattva to assist Shakyamuni Buddha. She is also the major attendant of Amitābha Buddha in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Together with Dashizhi (Mahāsthāmaprāpta) Bodhisattva they are called the Three Sages of the Western Pure Land.
Guanyin Bodhisattva has countless manifestations in countless worlds to help save sentient beings and deliver them to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. This was one of Guanyin’s original twelve vows. Guanyin is also a disciple of Amitābha Buddha and always wears a crown with the image of Amitābha Buddha (her teacher) on her head to show respect. In Chinese Buddhism, Guanyin is often portrayed in female form in a white-robe, but in Tibetan Buddhism Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) is generally portrayed in male form. Of course, Bodhisattvas transcend gender and can appear in whatever form sentient beings wish to see.
All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have great vows to help save sentient beings. Here is a formula to venerate Guanyin, including his great vows:
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, with the title Perfect Understanding, the name Great At Ease, who makes great vows to end all suffering and afflictions. (1. 广发弘誓愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, with a thought and mind without obstacles, who vowed to always stay in the Southern Sea. (Editor’s note: the earliest Bodhimanda of Guanyin was in India, the southern sea according to the Avatamsaka Sutra; Another saying is that Guanyin will always stay in the Jambudvipa - the Southern world aka.planet Earth; Guanyin of course have bodhimandas around the world such as Mt Putuo in China and the Potala Palace in Tibet) (2. 常居南海愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, who vowed to stay in Samsara, in the realm of darkness, listening to the cries and rescuing sentient beings. (3. 寻声救苦愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, the conqueror of raksas and destroyer of evil spirits, who took the vow to eliminate dangers. (4. 能除危险愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, who holds the bowl of pure water and willow branch, who took the vow to sprinkle sacred water to calm the mind of humankind and transform afflictions into lotus. (5. 甘露洒心愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, the great compassionate, forgiving one, who took the vow to practice equanimity at all times. (6. 常行平等愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, who day and night is the destroyer of obstacles, who took the vow to destroy the three realms of suffering. (7. 誓灭三途愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, who faces South, diligently practicing, who took the vow to liberate beings from shackles. (Editor’s note: If you are being kidnapped or tied by the shackles, and if you recite the Name of Guanyin and prayed to Guanyin, then all the shackles, fetters and knots will be released) (8. 枷锁解脱愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, the maker of the Dharma boat which rows in the suffering ocean, who took the vow to save all sentient beings.(9. 度尽众生愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, with streamers in front and a canopy behind, who took the vow to guide beings to the Western Pure Land (of Amitabha Buddha).(10. 接引西方愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, who resides in Realm of the Buddha of Infinite Life (Amitayus), who took the vow to be the assistant of Amitabha Buddha and received the prediction from Amitabha Buddha to be the future Buddha (in the Western Pure Land). (11. 弥陀受记愿)
I respectfully bow to Guan Yin, the honorable one with a body without imperfections, vow to fulfilled the Twelve Great Vows and realise the perfect enlightenment. (12. 果修十二愿)
For more vows and the benefits of reciting the name of Guanyin, one can read Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra here.
There are many stories of known incarnation of Guanyin in our world, particularly in China. Jiawen also shared some stores about Guanyin on our Channel.
May Guanyin blesses all beings and deliver them to the Land of Ultimate Bliss!
Ps. Dharma talk by Master Renshan and 3 refuges ceremony happening tonight at 7-8.15pm China time, you can register for the ceremony on our website here.
Namo Guanshiyin Pusa
Namo Amituofo