How to Overcome Jealousy

Jealousy is a common feeling that people experience when they see others who are better than them in some way. With the rise of social media, it has become even easier for people to compare themselves with others and feel jealous. However, jealousy is not a good feeling and can make us narrow-minded and generate negative thoughts. In this article, we will explore how to deal with jealousy and overcome it by rejoicing in the merit of others.

When we feel jealous of others, it can lead us to become narrow-minded and generate negative thoughts. It is not a good feeling and can make us feel worse about ourselves. Instead of feeling happy for others, we may envy their success and resent their good qualities.

Rejoice in the Merit of Others

There is a simple way to overcome jealousy in Buddhism, which is to rejoice in the merit of others. When we see others who are better than us, instead of feeling jealous, we can try to see the good in them and appreciate their good qualities. By doing so, we will experience happiness in the moment, which is merit gained.

The Buddha taught that when we rejoice in the merit of others, we will also gain merit ourselves. Feeling happy about other people's good qualities helps us expand our mind and heart. This resonates with our Buddha nature, and that's why we will feel good.

How to Practice Rejoicing in the Merit of Others

The next time you feel jealous of someone else's success or good qualities, try to practice rejoicing in their merit. This means being happy about their good deeds and good qualities. Instead of feeling envious or resentful, try to see the good in them and appreciate it.

When we rejoice in the merit of others, it can help us to overcome our own jealousy and expand our mind and heart. This practice can bring us happiness and help us to become better people.

Jealousy is a common feeling that people experience, especially during the age of social media. However, it is not a good feeling and can make us narrow-minded and generate negative thoughts. Rejoicing in the merit of others can help us overcome jealousy and expand our mind and heart. When we feel happy about other people's good qualities, it allows us to become better people ourselves. So next time you see the good in others, try to rejoice in their merit, and you will feel happy about yourself too.

Namo Buddhaya, Namo Amitabhaya.


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