How to Deal with Depression

Dealing with depression can be a challenging task, especially since it involves a series of negative thoughts that can make you feel down and lose all your energy. This vicious cycle of negativity can leave you feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. However, there are ways to manage depression and relieve anxiety. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that can help you overcome depression and reclaim control of your life.

Firstly, it's essential to understand what depression is. Depression is a state of mind that arises from a series of negative thoughts. The thoughts and emotions can be likened to clouds in the sky, which come and go. What you think and experience, they are not the real you; they're just a creation of your mind. This realisation can help you separate yourself from your thoughts and emotions, observe them as a third party, and avoid getting tricked or fooled by them.

Mindfulness is an essential tool for managing depression. Being mindful helps you to stay present in the moment and avoid being taken away by your thoughts. When you are not aware, your thoughts can take over you and lead you into depression. Therefore, it's vital to perceive your thoughts as they are without much analysis or overthinking.

It's also essential to avoid giving much energy and attention to negative thoughts. When you don't give them energy and attention, they become powerless, and they cannot take over you. Moreover, it's advisable to shift your focus to positive mantras, such as the name of Amitabha Buddha, Infinite Light and Life, or any other mantra that works for you. This will help you move your attention from negative thoughts to positivity.

It's important to note that suicide is not the way out of depression. Suicide only brings more suffering to the people around you, and it's a selfish act. Moreover, death does not eliminate suffering since we are not just physical bodies. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid being attached to negative thoughts and suicidal thoughts.

Lastly, it's essential to seek help and believe that there is a way out of depression. If you are experiencing depression, know that you are not alone, and there is help available. Counseling can be beneficial for some people, while others may prefer different forms of therapy. In my personal experiences of overcoming depression, counselling did not work for me as I was not too fond of the feelings of talking to strangers about what I experienced, but what helped me overcome depression in my early twenties after the sudden death of my father was the realisation that I was not my thoughts nor emotions. And eventually, after crying for three months in my little apartment, I got tired of everything. I decided to shift the focus of my mind - since everything was impermanent, I might enjoy this temporary experience called life while I still had some time here. Instead of focusing on all the negativity, I focused on what I needed to do then and carried on with life. Believing in yourself is the first step towards overcoming depression.

Finally, keep in mind that everything in life is impermanent. Good feelings and bad feelings alike will pass, and it is important to focus on what gives you a sense of purpose and meaning. Getting busy with life can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts and emotions. In conclusion, remember that you are not your thoughts or emotions. Seek help and support, practice mindfulness, and focus on the impermanence of life. With these tools, it is possible to overcome depression and live a fulfilling life.


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