FAQ: What degree of enlightenment will I realise when I attain rebirth in the Pure Land?
Depending on your level of rebirth, some can instantly realise a very high level of enlightenment (enlightenment to the stage of non-regression, also known as Avaivartika). There are nine grades of rebirth, and depending on your grade of rebirth, you will realise different levels of enlightenment when you arrive in the Pure Land, but eventually, you will all realise Buddhahood. The difference is that those who attain rebirth in the highest grade will realise Buddhahood sooner than those who attain rebirth in the lowest grade. For more details, one can refer to the nine grades of rebirth in the Visualisation Sutra. Amituofo.
FAQ: What do beings do in the Pure Land every day if they don’t have to eat, sleep and work?