FAQ: What are the three levels of rebirth in the Infinite Life Sutra?

In the Infinite Life Sutra, the Buddha talks about the three levels of rebirth in the Pure Land. The followings are the extracts from the Sutra: 

1. High-Level of Rebirth

The Buddha said to Ananda, "Heavenly beings and humans in the worlds of ten directions who with utmost sincerity, vowing to be born in the Pure Land can be classified into three levels: the high-level beings are those who leave their homes and renounce worldly pleasures to become Sramaṇas (monks). Generating Bodhicitta, they single-mindedly reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha, cultivate all kinds of merits, and vow to be born in that Land. 

For these beings, when they are at the time of death, Amitabha Buddha, together with many Sages, will appear before them. In one instant, they will follow the Buddha and attain rebirth in His Land, at once they will transform spontaneously from the seven-jeweled lotus flowers, with vigorous wisdom and freedom in Divine Power. Therefore, Ananda, if there are beings who vow to see Amitabha Buddha in this life, they should generate the supreme Bodhicitta, also being mindful of the Land of Ultimate Bliss, accumulate good roots and transfer the merit towards rebirth. For this reason, they can see the Buddha and being born in that Land, attaining the state of Non-regression and even the Supreme Bodhi (Perfect Enlightenment). 

2. Middle-Level of Rebirth

For the middle-level beings, although they cannot become Sramaṇas, cultivating great merit (like the high-level beings), they should generate the supreme Bodhicitta, all the while single-mindedly reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha. Cultivating various good merit according to one's abilities, uphold the precepts, building stupas, giving alms to Sramaṇas, hanging Buddhist banners, lighting lamps, offering flowers, burning incense, and transfer the merit towards vowing to be born in that Land. 

When this person is at the time of death, Amitabha Buddha will appear in His transformed body, and the brightness of His great appearance is like that of the Real Buddha. Together with the assembly of Sages, surrounding this person, appear in front of him and guiding him forward, he immediately follows the transformed Buddha to be reborn in the Land, dwelling in the state of Non-regression and supreme Bodhi. Their merit and wisdom are second to those of the high-level beings. 

3. Low-Level of Rebirth

For the low-level beings, if they cannot cultivate much merit, they should generate the supreme Bodhicitta, single-mindedly reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha. Joyfully believe and do not give rise to any doubt, with the utmost sincere heart, vowing to be born in the Land. At the time of death, such person will see Amitabha Buddha in a dream and can also attain rebirth. Their merit and wisdom are second to those of the middle-level beings. 

4. Other Mahayana Practitioners

If there are beings who practice the Mahayana path, with the purity of heart, admire Amitabha Buddha, with even ten recitations and vow to be born in the Land. Upon hearing the profound Dharma, one instantly gives rise to belief and understanding, so that a pure heart is attained. With this pure heart one recites the Name of Amitabha Buddha. When this person is at the time of death, he will see Amitabha Buddha as if in a dream, and guarantee to be born that Land, attaining the Non-regressing Supreme Bodhi.

To understand this better, you can watch Jiawen’s Sutra talks on the three levels of rebirth.


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