FAQ: Should I observe the eight precepts? What are the benefits of observing the eight precepts and what benefits does it have towards my rebirth? 

Lay Buddhists are encouraged to observe the eight precepts occassionally to strengthen their practice. The eight precepts are usually observed during the Six Observation Days in Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. The eight precepts are no killing, no stealing, no sexual activity (for five precepts it is no sexual misconduct), no lying, no alcohol and intoxicants, no eating after midday, no jewellery, perfumes, cosmetics or personal adornments; no singing, dancing or music and no luxurious seats and beds. The validity of the eight precepts are usually 24 hours. If one were to observe again, then one should make the vow again. For information on how to observe the eight precepts, you can visit our website under the page - 3 Refuges ceremony (button of the page). 

In the sutras the Buddha told us about many merits for observing the Eight Precepts. For instance, by observing the Eight Precepts, it can prevent us from falling into the evil paths; by observing the Eight Precepts and do not commit the five grave offences, it can help us eliminate all evil karma; by observing the Eight Precepts for just one day and one night, one can be free from hunger for 600,000 lifetimes! There are also enormous benefits for observing the Eight Precepts: it can help to purify one’s mind and body, sharpen one’s awareness and become more focused, so one can enter into meditation more easily. 

For Nianfo practitioners

In the Visualization Sutra, the Buddha told us that if one observes the eight precepts for just one day and one night and transfer the merit for rebirth, one can obtain the middle level of the middle grade of rebirth; if one observe the eight precepts often, one can obtain the highest level of the middle grade; if one observes the eight precepts and also generate the unsurpassed bodhicitta with good cultivation, transferring the merit for rebirth, one can obtain highest grade of rebirth. 


FAQ: Should Pure Land practitioners observe precepts and morality? 


FAQ: What are the three levels of rebirth in the Infinite Life Sutra?