FAQ: Is the Pure Land just more sense enjoyment and more dukkha (suffering)? 

No, although beings in the Pure Land enjoy the most supreme and wonderful environment there are no attachments as they are all enlightened beings. Even those who are newly born there will become enlightened really soon, so there will not be any grasping or attachment towards anything, hence no dukkha (suffering). As the Buddha said in the Amitabha Sutra, the Pure Land is a Land with no suffering but all bliss, therefore, it is called the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Everything in the Pure Land will remind beings to be mindful of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, by bathing in the water in the seven-jeweled lotus pond, one’s mind will become pure and enlightened. The birds in the Pure Land (transformed by Amitabha) also help spread the Dharma, and so are the music, trees, etc. The Pure Land is the perfect environment for us to realise enlightenment and Buddhahood due to its supreme environment that is perfectly catered for our spiritual cultivation, also we will be under the guidance of Amituofo, Guanyin, all these perfect enlightened beings, so one will realise enlightenment and Buddhahood much quicker in the Pure Land. Amituofo. 


FAQ: Is Pure Land Buddhism another version of theism and worship? 


FAQ: Is Amitabha Buddha like God and the Pure Land like another heaven?