FAQ: Is Pure Land Buddhism another version of theism and worship? 

Comment: Pure Land Buddhism seems like another version of theism and worship. If it is truly unconditional then no need to worship or chant His name. Gautama Buddha, the real historical Buddha would not have been through so much suffering if it’s so easy. 

People who comment like this, it is evident that one has very little understanding of the Pure Land Dharma. I will address this comment in three parts. 

  1. Buddhism is not theism. Amitabha Buddha is not God. 

For people who don’t understand Pure Land Buddhism, on the surface, when we say we chant the Name of Amitabha Buddha with faith and vow towards seeking rebirth to His Pure Land, it may seem like theism and worship. However, this is entirely different. 

First, Buddhism is not theism. Amitabha Buddha is not God (in Buddhism, we don’t believe in the existence of God as in a creator absolute that creates and controls absolutely everything - no one is capable of doing that - but things/events arise from dependent origination with emptiness in nature. If there is God, it will be the Mind/Buddha nature). Amitabha Buddha only creates His Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, not the suffering world we are living in.  

Secondly, chanting the Name of Amitabha Buddha is also different from worshipping idols (although one can say Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are our idols, given they are already enlightened beings). But more importantly, chanting the Name of Amitabha Buddha is like a meditation which helps us to activate our own Buddha nature (the meaning of Amitabha Buddha is Infinite Light and Life, which is also the Buddha nature within all beings) and this practice can quickly help us transform negative thoughts into positivity and stay mindful. 

  1. “If it (the Buddha’s compassion) is truly unconditional, then there is no need to worship or chant His Name.” 

According to the Mahayana sutras, if we chant His Name at the time of death, even for ten recitations, one can attain rebirth to His Pure Land. That’s why we practice Nianfo. 

Even if the Buddha’s compassion is unconditional and Amitabha Buddha welcomes all beings to His Pure Land, we still need to express our intention to want to go there in order to elicit a response from Amitabha Buddha - Amitabha Buddha will not force us to go to His Pure Land if we don’t want to go nor willing to believe - otherwise it’s like he is forcing us to go - that is a condition! 

So because the Buddha’s infinite and unconditional compassion, he will also respect our choices. If we are unwilling to believe and don’t want to go, he will not force us. If you are happy to keep staying in the cycle of reincarnation and keep on suffering, feel free, that’s your choice. 

A metaphor to understand this better: if you truly love someone unconditional, you will also respect their choices, you will not force them to be with you/go with you. If you are forcing them to go, then that’s a condition! So for unconditional love and compassion, they will always respect your choice. 

Although Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have great spiritual power, perfect wisdom and compassion, they cannot help those who don’t want to be helped. 

  1. “Gautama Buddha, the real historical Buddha would not have been through so much suffering if it’s so easy. ”

The Pure Land Dharma is hard to believe Dharma as Shakyamuni Buddha told us in the Amitabha Sutra, so it is only common that a lot of people find it difficult to believe - precisely because it is so easy! 

If you study the Mahayana sutras, you will know that it is not the first time Shakyamuni Buddha came into our world to teach, he has been here for already over 8000 times (and had realised Buddhahood countless eons ago). 

The reason why he demonstrated the whole process of being through so much suffering is to show us that we have the ability to realise enlightenment ourselves - although it is extremely difficult through self-effort! 

The Buddha taught over 84,000 Dharma gates (in fact countless Dharma gates/methods), some are easier and others are much more difficult. 

Imagine when he reached enlightenment and just told people to Nianfo and go to Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land, many people will not believe. That’s why he opened up many different dharma gates to suit people with various capacities, preferences, karma etc. 

For people who encounter the Pure Land Dharma and take belief in it instantly - it is extremely rare - this person must have cultivated a lot of blessings and good karma and very good roots in his past lives (see the Amitabha Sutra and the Infinite Life Sutra - this kind of person had already made offerings to countless Buddhas in his past lives, not just a few Buddhas). 

The Pure Land Dharma is indeed spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha, as evident in many Mahayana sutras and also with a lot of successful rebirth cases from ancient China til nowadays, with many people seeing Amitabha Buddha at the time of death when they chant His Name (when they are still conscious, and they can let people around them know) and be born into His Pure Land. Of course, it can still be difficult for many people to develop sincere faith in Amitabha Buddha, like the Buddha told us in the Amitabha Sutra says, “one cannot have few good roots, blessings and karma to be born in the Pure Land.” - which means one needs a lot of good roots, blessings and good karma to be born in the Pure Land!  

May all beings hear the Name of Amitabha Buddha and be born in His Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! 

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amituofo


FAQ: Is Pure Land Buddhism the real teachings by the Buddha? 


FAQ: Is the Pure Land just more sense enjoyment and more dukkha (suffering)?