FAQ: Can I combine Nianfo (Amitabha-recitation) with other practices?  

The short answer is yes. Amitabha Buddha understands that people have different roots, karma, capacity and preferences, so the Buddha has all kinds of skilful means to deliver all types of beings to the Pure Land. 

For Pure Land practitioners, our primary practice should always be Nianfo, as it is the easiest and most effective for us to connect with Amitabha Buddha. For Nianfo practitioners with deep faith in Amitabha Buddha, just Nianfo practice alone is sufficient. If people like to practice prostration or read/recite the Pure Land sutras etc., these can also be included, this is considered as the supportive practices (see the nine grades of rebirth in the Visualisation Sutra). 

If one wants to mix other practices outside the scope of Pure Land Buddhism to be also their main practice, then it is not recommended as it may distract the attention of the practitioners away from Nianfo and it may be difficult for one to go deep. Master Shandao also discussed this in his commentary on the Visualization Sutra. However, this is not against other practices.  If one wants to understand many Dharma gates (practices), then one can read widely and understand a lot, but if one wants to really practice and go deep, then one should choose just one method (like there are many doors for one to enter into a hall, but if one really wants to enter, then one should choose just one door, preferrably the door nearby). 

However, if one feels strongly connected with other practices and wants to practice, then one can also practice but transfer the merit towards seeking rebirth to the Pure Land, then one can still attain rebirth in the Pure Land. 

For Mahayana practitioners of other paths (not Pure Land practitioners), if one transfers the merit of their other practices towards seeking rebirth to the Pure Land, they can also attain rebirth. This is also talked about in the Infinite Life Sutra. 

Nine Grades of Rebirth

(from the Visualization Sutra)

  1. the Highest level of the Highest Grade

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "Sentient beings in the highest level of the highest grade of rebirth are those who vow to be reborn there. By awakening the three kinds of hearts they are reborn there. What are the three? The first is the utmost sincere heart, the second is the heart of deep faith, and the third is the heart which vows for rebirth by transferring merit. Those who possess these three hearts will definitely be reborn in that Land.

Also, there are three kinds of beings who will be reborn there. Who are the three? First are the compassionate ones who refrain from killing and observe the precepts; second are those who read and recite the Mahayana Vaipulya Sutras; and third are those who cultivate the six kinds of mindfulness [ the six mindfulness means mindfulness of the Buddha i.e. Nianfo, Dharma, Sangha, Giving, Precepts & heavenly beings - particularly the Bodhisattva who is currently in the inner court of the Tusita heaven who will come down to be the future Buddha in the future)]. Transferring the merit for rebirth, they vow to be reborn in that land. With this merit, from one to seven days, they will immediately attain rebirth.

(as we can see observing the precepts or/and reading and reciting Mahayana sutras can also be the supportive practices to help one attain rebirth in the highest level of the highest grade, Nianfo alone can also help one attain highest grade of rebirth; the lower level of rebirth has less requirements which one can read through the Visualisation Sutra). 

In summary, as long as one Nianfo with faith and vow towards seeking rebirth in the Pure Land, one can attain rebirth. Nianfo should always be our primary practice. If one wants to add other supportive practices in addition to Nianfo, one can also do so. 


FAQ: If all is an illusion, a dream and a game, then why Nianfo?


FAQ: Can we just recite the Name Amituofo (Amitabha) only, without doing any good karma, can we still gain rebirth by doing that?