The Amitabha Sutra 阿弥陀经

The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra (3D Animation, directed by Master Renshan)

         The Buddha Speaks of the Amitabha Sutra 阿弥陀经

(The Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra)


The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra is one of the five Pure Land sutras in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, and one of the three primary Pure Land sutras (along with the Infinite Life Sutra, i.e., the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra and the Visualization Sutra, i.e., the Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra). It is the shortest among the three primary Pure Land sutras. 

The Amitabha Sutra is a rare sutra which Shakyamuni Buddha expounded without being asked (usually the Buddha would only expound the Dharma when people asked questions) – for the simple reason that no one could possibly know about the existence of Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land, but only at the level of the Buddha who attains all-encompassing wisdom (the inconceivable wisdom of the Buddhas) and who completely realises the Truth of life and the Universes and rightly knows absolutely everything about the Dharma Realm (all existence and all the cosmos), past, present and future. 

In this sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha first introduced to us the following:

“To the West over a hundred thousand million Buddha lands away, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss. In that Land, there is a Buddha called Amitabha, who is right now teaching the Dharma.”

Then Shakyamuni Buddha continued explaining the miraculous wonders of the Pure Land, the incredible lifestyle of the beings there, and the inconceivable benefits for attaining rebirth there – “living beings who are born in the Land of the Ultimate Bliss are all Avaivartika Bodhisattvas (i.e., Bodhisattvas of Non-regression – a very high level of enlightenment. Beings there will all realise Buddhahood).”

The Buddha also told us about how to seek rebirth to the Pure Land:

One should hold the Name of Amitabha  (known as Nianfo 念佛 in Chinese, which means “reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha”) constantly and single-heartedly without confusion. Then at the time of death, one will be received by Amitabha Buddha and successfully attain rebirth in the Pure Land. 

Shakyamuni Buddha emphasized the importance of vowing to be born in the Pure Land and the importance of believing in these words – one should have faith in the Buddha's words, as a completely enlightened being would not lie to us.

Many Pure Land practitioners know that Faith, Vow and Practice are the three key criteria for anyone to attain rebirth to the Pure Land successfully. The Amitabha Sutra provides a solid basis for this Pure Land principle. 

Shakyamuni Buddha also told us that not only does he praise the inconceivable merit of Amitabha Buddha; so too are all the Buddhas in the ten directions (this is also consistent with Amitabha Buddha's 48 Great Vows – see the 17th vow of Amitabha Buddha: Praising by all Buddhas).

The current version of the sutra we study only mentions Buddhas from the six directions, but the original Sanskrit version actually has Buddhas from the ten directions, which is translated by Tripitaka Master Xuanzang (玄奘大师). The current version we study is translated by Tripitaka Master Kumārajīva (鸠摩罗什大师), a genius Buddhist translator and Dharma Master of the Yao Qin Dynasty. Kumārajīva cut out the four other directions to make the sutra flow more naturally and easily for his readers, and this also allowed the Pure Land teachings to spread more efficiently. 

This shorter version of the Amitabha Sutra by Kumārajīva is the most popular translation due to its elegant and eloquent language. Kumārajīva is renowned for his style of succinct translation, which keeps the essence of the meaning the same and makes the language much easier for audiences to read and study. 

It is said that Tripitaka Master Kumārajīva served as translator for the past seven Buddhas. When he was at the time of death, he made a sincere vow saying, “If the sutras I translated are without mistakes, then my tongue should remain intact after my body is cremated.” 

After he entered Parinirvana and his body was cremated, his tongue indeed remained intact, which left the Buddhist community with tongue relics. Therefore, we can put complete trust in his translations, and have faith that this sutra was indeed spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha. Amitabha Buddha is indeed real and so is His Pure Land. When one recites His Name single-heartedly, at the time of death, even for only ten recitations, Amitabha Buddha will come to receive this person (18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha).

One should not have any doubt about these supreme teachings by the Buddha. Rather, one should generate deep faith in these Pure Land teachings. One should recite the Name of Amitabha Buddha constantly and vow to seek rebirth to the Pure Land in this lifetime, so one can completely transcend the cycle of reincarnation (the vicious cycle of repeated birth and death characterised by endless suffering) and realise the ultimate potential of a being, which is to realise Perfect Enlightenment, Buddhahood, anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, and Infinite Light and Life - the True Essence of all beings! 

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amituofo! 南无阿弥陀佛!


The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra

or simply

 The Amitabha Sutra

(The Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra)

Namo Fundamental Teacher

Shakyamuni Buddha (three times) 

Namo Amitabha Buddha (three times)

Namo Lotus Pond Ocean-Wide Assembly of
Buddhas & Bodhisattvas
(three times)

Sutra Opening Verse

The unsurpassed, profound, subtle, and wondrous Dharma

is difficult to encounter in hundreds of millions of kalpas.

I now see and hear it, receive and uphold it,

May we understand the true meaning of the Tathagata.


The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra

(The Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra)


Based on the Chinese text translated by
Tripitaka Master Kumārajīva of the Yao Qin Dynasty


Thus have I heard. At one time, the Buddha dwelt at the Jetavana Monastery in Shravasti, together with a gathering of twelve-hundred-fifty great Bhikshus, all great Arhats whom were known by all: Elders Sariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakashyapa, Mahakatyayana, Mahakaushthila, Revata, Shuddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola Bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Mahakapphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, and other great disciples such as these.  Together with all the Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas: Dharma Prince Manjushri, Ajita Bodhisattva, Gandhahastin Bodhisattva, Constant Endeavour Bodhisattva, and other great Bodhisattvas such as these. Together with Sakra, and countless heavenly beings. 


At that time the Buddha told the Elder Sariputra,“To the West over a hundred billion Buddha Lands away, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss. In that Land, there is a Buddha named Amitabha, who is right now teaching the Dharma. 


Sariputra, for what reason is that Land called Ultimate Bliss? All living beings in that Land have no suffering, but enjoy all bliss, therefore, it is called Ultimate Bliss. Moreover, Sariputra, the Land of Ultimate Bliss has seven tiers of railings, seven layers of netting, seven rows of trees, all surrounded by the four treasures, thus, it is named the Ultimate Bliss. 


Moreover, Sariputra, the Land of Ultimate Bliss has seven-jeweled ponds, filled with eight-merit water. The bottoms of the ponds are covered with golden sands. On the four sides of the streets are stairs made of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and glass. Above are pavilions adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, glasses, Tridacna stones, crimson pearls and agates. The lotuses in the ponds are as large as carriage wheels, green colour of green light, yellow colour of yellow light, red colour of red light, white colour of white light, delicate, fragrant and pure. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. 


Moreover, Sariputra, in that Buddha Land, there is heavenly music playing constantly, the ground is made with gold. In the six periods of the day and night, Mandarava flowers fall from the sky. In the early mornings, the beings of the Land, each with garments filled with wonderful flowers, makes offerings to a hundred billion Buddhas in the other worlds. At mealtime, they return to their own Land, after eating, they walk about in meditation. Sariputra, the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is thus meritoriously adorned. 

Moreover, Sariputra, in that Land there are various wonderful variegated birds: white cranes, peacocks, parrots, saris, kalavinkas, and birds of common destiny. In the six periods of the day and night, all the birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds which proclaim the five roots, the five powers, the seven factors of Bodhi (enlightenment), the Noble Eightfold Path, Dharmas such as these. When living beings of that Land hear these sounds, they are altogether mindful of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.


Sariputra, do not think that these birds were born as retribution for their karmic offences. For what reason? In that Buddha Land there are no three evil paths. Sariputra, in that Buddha Land, the names of the three evil paths do not even exist, what does it say about their existence. All these birds were transformed by Amitabha Buddha for the Dharma sound to spread widely. 


Sariputra, in that Buddha Land, when the soft wind blows the rows of jewelled trees and jewelled nets give rise to delicate and wonderful sounds, like a hundred thousand kinds of music playing at the same time. Those who hear these sounds will naturally give rise to the heart of being mindful of the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Sariputra, the realization of the Buddha Land is thus meritoriously adorned. 


Sariputra, what do you think? Why is that Buddha named Amitabha? Sariputra, the light of that Buddha is infinite, illumining all worlds in the ten directions without obstacles, therefore, He is named Amitabha. Moreover, Sariputra, the life of that Buddha and His people extend for infinite limitless asamkhyeya kalpas, thus, He is named Amitayus. Sariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed. 

Moreover, Sariputra, that Buddha has immeasurable boundless Sravakas, all Arhats, their numbers cannot be known through calculation. The same is true for all the Bodhisattvas. Sariputra, the realization of that Buddha Land is thus meritoriously adorned. 


Moreover, Sariputra, those living beings born in the Land of the Ultimate Bliss are all Avaivartika. Many among them are in the Position of One Lifetime Replacement. Their number is extremely many, cannot be known by calculation, but can only be spoken in countless limitless asamkhya kalpas. Sariputra, living beings who hear this, should make the vow – I vow to be born in that Land. And why? So they can gather together with all the superior and good people in one place.  


Sariputra, one cannot have few good roots, blessings, merit and karma to attain birth in that Land. Sariputra, if there is a good man or good woman who hears the Name ‘Amitabha’ and holds to it, whether for one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, or seven days, single-hearted without confusion. At the time of near death, Amitabha Buddha and all the Sages will appear before this person. When the person is at the time of death, if his heart (mind) is not deluded, then he will be reborn in Amitabha Buddha's Land of Ultimate Bliss. Sariputra, I see these benefits, therefore, I speak of these words. If living beings hear this, they should make the vow to be born in that Land.


Please note that in Master Xuanzang’s version, which he translated the sutra word by word, this paragraph contains an important information which says Amitabha Buddha will help us to be mindful of his name at the time of death provided we have pure faith and Nianfo during our life, so one does not need to worry about what if we can’t remember Amitabha Buddha’s name at the time of death, see translation below:

“Also, Shariputra, if there are good men or women with pure faith who hear the name of Amitayus (Infinite life) Buddha, the immeasurable inconceivable merit of His name, and the majestic merit of the World of Ultimate Bliss, and have thought about it for one day and night, or two, or three, or four, or five, or six, or seven, continously recite without distractions. When that good man or woman is about to die, Amitayus (Infinite life) Buddha and his countless disciples of sravakas and bodhisattvas will surround him and stay in front of him. They will be compassionate and bless him so that his mind will not be disturbed. Having given up his life and joined the assembly of the Buddha, he will be reborn in Amitayus’ Pure Buddha-land of Ultimate Bliss.]


Sariputra, as I now praise the inconceivable merit of Amitabha Buddha. In the East, there are also Akshobhya Buddha, Sumeru Appearance Buddha, Great Sumeru Buddha, Sumeru Light Buddha, Wonderful Sound Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, countless as Ganges sands. Each in His own Land brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, covering the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, speaking these honest words: ‘All you living beings should believe and praise the inconceivable merit of the Sutra which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of.’


Sariputra, in the Southern worlds, there are Sun Moon Light Buddha, Famous Light Buddha, Great Flame Shoulder Buddha, Sumeru Light Buddha, Limitless Diligence Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, countless as Ganges sands. Each in His own Land brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, covering the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, speaking these honest words: ‘All you living beings should believe and praise the inconceivable merit of the Sutra which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of.

Sariputra, in the Western worlds are Amitayus Buddha, Infinite Appearance Buddha, Infinite Banners Buddha, Great Light Buddha, Great Brightness Buddha, Jewelled Appearance Buddha, Pure Light Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, countless as Ganges sands. Each in His own Land brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, covering the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, speaking these honest words: ‘All you living beings should believe and praise the inconceivable merit of the Sutra which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of.’


Sariputra, in the Northern worlds, there are Flaming Shoulder Buddha, Most Victorious Sound Buddha, Hard to Upset Buddha, Sun Birth Buddha, Net Brightness Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, countless as Ganges sands. Each in His own Land brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, covering the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, speaking these honest words: ‘All you living beings should believe and praise the inconceivable merit of the Sutra which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of.’


Sariputra, in the worlds below are Lion Buddha, Famous Name Buddha, Famous Light Buddha, Dharma Buddha, Dharma Banner Buddha, Holding Dharma Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, countless as Ganges sands. Each in His own Land brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, covering the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, speaking these honest words: ‘All you living beings should believe and praise the inconceivable merit of the Sutra which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of.’


“Sariputra, in the worlds above are Brahma Sound Buddha, King of Stars Buddha, Superior Fragrance Buddha, Fragrant Light Buddha, Great Flame Shoulder Buddha, Variegated Jewel Flower Adornment Body Buddha, Sala Tree King Buddha, Jewelled Flower Merit Buddha, Seeing All Meanings Buddha, Sumeru-like Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, countless as Ganges sands. Each in His own Land brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, covering the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, speaking these honest words: ‘All you living beings should believe and praise the inconceivable merit of the Sutra which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of.’

Sariputra, what do you think? Why is it called ‘the Sutra which all Buddhas Protect and are Mindful of?’ Sariputra, if a good man or good woman hears this sutra and holds to it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas, this good man or good woman will be the one which all Buddhas protect and are mindful of and will irreversibly attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all of you should believe and accept my words and those which all Buddhas speak. 


Sariputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who will make the vow, ‘I vow to be born in Amitabha Buddha's Land,’ these people, whether born in the past, present or future, will all irreversibly attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all the good men and good women, if they are among those who believe, should make the vow to be born in that Land. 


Sariputra, as I now praise the inconceivable merit of all Buddhas, all those Buddhas also praise my inconceivable merit and speak of these words, ‘Shakyamuni Buddha can do extremely difficult and rare deeds. In the Saha World, the evil world of Five Turbidities - the Kalpa Turbidity, the Perception Turbidity, the Affliction Turbidity, the Living Beings Turbidity, and the Life Turbidity, he can attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi and for the sake of all living beings, speak this Dharma which is difficult for the whole world to believe.’Sariputra, you should know that I, in the evil world of Five Turbidities, practice these difficult deeds, attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, and speak this difficult to believe Dharma for the whole world, which is extremely difficult indeed!


After the Buddha spoke this sutra, Sariputra and all the Bhikshus, heavenly beings from all worlds, asuras and others, upon hearing what the Buddha had said, joyously accepted and faithfully upheld, bowed and withdrew.

往生咒 (拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼)

Rebirth Mantra

(The Dharani of Removing all karmic obstacles and attaining birth to the Pure Land) 

南无阿弥多婆夜 哆他伽多夜 哆地夜他 阿弥利都婆毗

阿弥利哆 悉耽婆毗

阿弥唎哆 毗迦兰帝

阿弥唎哆 毗迦兰多

伽弥腻 伽伽那 枳多迦利 娑婆诃


namo amitābhāya tathāgatāya

tadyathā amṛtod-bhave

amṛta-siddhaṃ bhave



gāmine gagana kīrta-kare svāhā


Adoration to the Exalted one of Infinite Light

namely: Oh! Nectar-producing one!

Nectar-creation-perfecting one!

Nectar-miracle one!

(he) performs miracle with nectar,

he makes (nectar) glory in sky,

All Hail!


Ten Great Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra


First, to pay homage to all Buddhas;

Second, to praise the Tathagathas;

Third, to extensively cultivate making offerings

Fourth, to repent of karmic obstacles;

Fifth, to rejoice in merit;

Sixth, to invite the Buddhas to turn the Dharma Wheel;

Seventh, to invite the Buddhas to live in the world;

Eighth, to constantly learn from the Buddhas;

Nineth, to constantly accord with living beings;

Tenth, to universally transfer all merit. 


In Praise of Amitabha





Amitabha Buddha's body is the colour of gold,

With incomparable good appearance and brightness.

White urna curls around five Sumeru

His eyes as pure as four great seas

In His light transforms immeasurable millions of Buddhas,

also boundless transformed Bodhisattvas.

Forty-Eight Great Vows save all living beings,

Nine Grades to enable all to arrive on the other shore. 


Three Refuges








I take refuge in the Buddha, may all living beings understand the great path and generate the unsurpassed Bodhicitta. 

I take refuge in the Dharma, may all living beings enter deeply in the treasure of the sutras, with wisdom as profound as the sea.

I take refuge in the Sangha, may all living beings be guided without obstacles, to pay homage to the assembly of sages.

Namo Great Compassionate Amitabha Buddha of the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (three chants with three bows)

Namo Bodhisattva Guanyin/Namo Guanshiyin Pusa (three chants with three bows)

Namo Bodhisattva Great Strength/Namo Dashizhi Pusa 

(three chants with three bows)

Namo Lotus Pond Ocean-Wide Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 


You can download a pdf copy here.


Amitabha Buddha (Amituofo)


The Infinite Life Sutra 无量寿经