Forty-Eight Great Vows of Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛四十八大愿

Chapter Six. Making Great Vows


(The Forty-Eight Great Vows of Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛四十八大愿)


The Buddha Speaks of the Mahayana

Infinite Life Adornment Purity Impartiality and Enlightenment Sutra

Or simply

 The Infinite Life Sutra

(The Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra)





Dharmākara (Dharma Storehouse) said, “May the World Honoured One listen and observe with great mercy.

“If I attain the Supreme Bodhi, realized the Ultimate Enlightenment, the Buddha-land I reside in will be adorned with immeasurable and inconceivable meritorious adornments. There will be no hell realms, no hungry ghosts, no animals, no flying insects, and no larvae alike. All beings, including those from the hell realm and the three evil paths, who come to be born in my Land, will all be transformed by my teachings. They will all realise Anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi, and never again fall into the evil realms. If these vows can be attained, then I will become a Buddha. If not, may I not attain Supreme Enlightenment.”

(1. Vow of Land without Evil Paths; 2. Vow of Never Fall into the Evil Realms)




Compiled Version by Upāsaka Xia Lianju 


The Infinite Life Sutra (or the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra in Sanskrit) is one of the five Pure Land sutras in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, and one of the three primary Pure Land sutras (along with the Amitabha Sutra, i.e., the Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra and the Visualization Sutra, i.e., The Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra). It is the most detailed, complete, and longest Pure Land sutra. It most comprehensively describes the Pure Land (Sukhāvatī) and how Amitabha Buddha created His Pure Land, His Forty-Eight Great Vows and the Three Levels of Rebirth to the Pure Land, along with many other descriptions and teachings. 

Some scholars believe that the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra was compiled in the age of the Kushan Empire in the first and second centuries and became popular in the Gandhāra region. According to historical records, between 147 to 713 CE, this sutra was translated over twelve times from the original Sanskrit into Chinese. It is rare for a sutra to have so many different translations. It can be deduced that, most likely, the Buddha had expounded this Dharma many times due to its great significance. 

Unfortunately, seven translations have gone missing, and now only five remain in the Chinese Buddhist Canon. They are: 

  1. The Infinite Life Purity Impartiality and Enlightenment Sutra (《无量清净平等觉经》), translated in the Han period by Kusana translator Tripitaka Lokakṣema (后汉月支三藏支娄迦谶), who arrived in Luoyang (the ancient capital of China) in 164 CE and translated works through 186 CE); 

  2. The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra(《佛说无量寿经》), translated by Indian Buddhist monk Sanghavarman (曹魏康僧铠)in 252CE at the White Horse Temple in Luoyang - the ancient capital of China);

  3. The Larger Amitabha Sutra (《大阿弥陀经》), translated by Zhi Qian (吴月氏优婆塞支谦) who came from the Kusana Kingdom to Luoyang during the decline of the Han dynasty and translated the sutra sometime between 223 and 253 CE); 

  4. The Assembly of Infinite Life Tathagata (《无量寿如来会》, the fifth assembly of the Mahāratnakūṭa Sutra 《大宝积经》), translated by Bodhiruci(菩提流支) from the Tang Dynasty;

  5. The Mahayana Infinite Life Adornment Sutra(《大乘无量寿庄严经》), translated by Faxian from the Nalanda Monastery in the Northern Song Dynasty. 

Due to the different translations of the Infinite Life Sutras, with slight variations (some are briefer, some are more in-depth, including the number of vows, with twenty-four vows, thirty-six vows and forty-eight vows), the one translated by Sanghavarman with forty-eight great vows has so far been the most popular. 

There had also been a few compiled versions of the Infinite Life Sutra. What we study now is a composition of the five remaining versions of the Infinite Life Sutra from the Chinese Buddhist Canon by Upsaka Xia Lianju (夏莲居). One can use either the version by Sanghavarman or Xia Lianju. After comparing against the version by Sanghavarman, we recommend the compiled version by Upsaka Xia Lianju as the content is more detailed and comprehensive (Venerable Master Chin Kung and my teacher Venerable Master Renshan both used this version when expounding the Infinite Life Sutra). For instance, the version translated by Sanghavarman did not mention if other Mahayana practitioners (i.e., practitioners of different Mahayana paths) can also seek rebirth to the Pure Land if they Nianfo, whereas the compiled version deals with this aspect clearly in Chapter 24 – Three Levels of Rebirth (see Jiawen’s translation). 

The compiled version by Xia Lianju has been well-received and highly praised since being published, and it is also now the most popular version being studied across China and around the world among Chinese Pure Land Buddhists. 

Upsaka Xia Lianju (1884- 1965) was an eminent lay Buddhist during the era of the Republic of China. After reaching middle age, he dedicated the rest of his life to spreading the Pure Land Dharma. In 1932, he took three years to compile this current version of the Infinite Life Sutra (based on the five existing ancient translations of the Pure Land sutras) without changing a single word and whilst taking into consideration of all the other compiled versions. After three years of hard work, he finally completed the version and titled it: 

‘The Buddha Speaks of the Mahayana Infinite Life Adornment Purity Impartiality and Enlightenment Sutra’. (《佛说大乘无量寿庄严清净平等觉经》)

Since this version was published and due to its ease of reading, use of beautiful and eloquent language, and detailed content, it became prevalent all over China and the world. 

There have also been a few commentaries written on this compiled version, such as ‘An Explanation on the Buddha Speaks of the Mahayana Infinite Life Adornment Purity Impartiality and Enlightenment Sutra’ (《佛说大乘无量寿庄严清净平等觉经解》)by the eminent Upsaka Huang Nianzu (黄念祖老居士, 1913-1992)and ‘A Brief Explanation on the Mahayana Infinite Life Adornment Purity Impartiality and Enlightenment Sutra’ (《大乘无量寿经简注易解》)by the most Venerable Master Chin Kung (or Jingkong 净空老法师,1927-2022). 


We will endeavour to translate the whole of the Infinite Life Sutra, adding brief footnotes and annotations. Hopefully, it will be more easily accessible for many people worldwide to study the sutra. For now, we have translated the Forty-Eight Great Vows of Amitabha Buddha from Chapter Six, one of the most critical chapters in the sutra. We will also translate the remaining chapters soon.

When you read the sutra, you can combine it with Jiawen’s sutra talk series on the Forty-Eight Great Vows (a total of eight sessions), in which she goes through each vow in great detail to help you gain a more thorough understanding. 

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Thank you! 


Merit Transfer

We transfer the merit to all beings 

in the entire Dharma Realm. 

May all beings hear the Name of Amitabha Buddha 

and be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! 

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amituofo!

Chapter Six. Making Great Vows

(The Forty-Eight Great Vows

of Amitabha Buddha)


The Buddha Speaks of the Mahayana

Infinite Life Adornment Purity Impartiality and Enlightenment Sutra

Or simply

 The Infinite Life Sutra

(The Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra)




Chapter Six. Making Great Vows



Dharmākara (Dharma Storehouse) said, “May the World Honoured One listen and observe with great mercy.

“If I attain the Supreme Bodhi, realized the Ultimate Enlightenment, the Buddha-land I reside in will be adorned with immeasurable and inconceivable meritorious adornments. There will be no hell realms, no hungry ghosts, no animals, no flying insects, and no larvae alike. All beings, including those from the hell realm and the three evil paths, who come to be born in my Land, will all be transformed by my teachings. They will all realise Anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi, and never again fall into the evil realms. If these vows can be attained, then I will become a Buddha. If not, may I not attain Supreme Enlightenment.”

(1. Vow of Land without Evil Paths; 2. Vow of Never Fall into the Evil Realms) 



When I attain Buddhahood, all sentient beings from worlds in the ten directions, who come to be born in my Land, will all have the bodies of pure gold, and the thirty-two signs of a Great Man. With good features, clean and pure, all of the same kind. If there are differences in appearance, good and bad, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(3. Vow of Golden Body; 4. Vow of Thirty-two Signs; 5. Vow of No Difference in Bodies;)


When I attain Buddhahood, all sentient beings who come to be born in my Land, will naturally know all the good and evil deeds they have done in their past lives throughout immeasurable kalpas. All capable of thoroughly seeing and completely hearing, knowing all the things in the ten directions from the past present and future. If these vows cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.  

(6. Vow of Recollection of Past Lives; 7. Vow of Divine Eye; 8. Vow of Divine Ear;)


When I attain Buddhahood, all beings who come to be born in my Land, will all possess telepathy. If they cannot all know the minds and thoughts of sentient beings from a hundred million nayutas of hundreds of thousands of Buddha-lands, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.

(9. Vow of Knowing Others' Mind)


When I attain Buddhahood, all beings who come to be born in my Land, will all attain freedom in Divine Power, Paramita. In a moment of thought, if they cannot surpass a hundred million nayutas of hundreds of thousands of Buddha-lands, travelling, touring all around and making offerings to all Buddhas, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(10. Vow of Teleportation; 11. Vow of Making Offerings to All Buddhas) 


When I attain Buddhahood, all beings born in my Land will be free from separation and will have roots of silence. If they are not bound to attain Perfect Enlightenment and realise the great Nirvana, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(12. Vow to definitely attain Perfect Enlightenment.)


When I attain Buddhahood, my light will be infinite, shining in all directions, superior to all the Buddhas, thousand trillion times brighter than the sun and the moon. If there are sentient beings who see my light shining and touching their bodies, they will attain peace and happiness. They will do good deeds with a compassionate heart, and all come to my Land. If this cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(13. Vow of Infinite Light; 14. Vow of peace and happiness at the touch of light.)


When I attain Buddhahood, my lifespan is infinite. There are innumerable Sound Hearers, Heavenly beings and humans in my Land, whose lives are also infinite. If all sentient beings in the three thousand clusters of thousands of worlds become Pratyeka-buddhas, calculate altogether for over hundreds-of-thousands of kalpas, if they can know the numbers, may I not realise Perfect Enlightenment. 

(15. Vow of Infinite Lifespan. 16. Vow of Countless Sound Hearers.)


When I attain Buddhahood, if countless Buddhas from infinite lands of the worlds of the ten directions do not all praise my Name and speak of the goodness of my Land of merit, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.

(17. Vow of praising from all Buddhas.)

- 我作佛时,十方众生,闻我名号,至心信乐,所有善根,心心回向,愿生我国,乃至十念,若不生者,不取正觉。唯除五逆,诽谤正法。(十八、十念必生愿;)

When I attain Buddhahood, all beings from the ten directions will, upon hearing my Name, believe it joyously with the utmost sincere heart. They will transfer the merit of all the good roots thought after thought, vowing to be born in my Land, even for ten recitations. If they cannot be born, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. Except for those who commit the five gravest offences and slander the right Dharma.

(18. Vow of definitely being born with ten recitations.)  


When I attain Buddhahood, all beings from the ten directions will, upon hearing my Name, generate Bodhicitta. They will cultivate various merit, practice the Six Paramitas and remain steadfast with no regression. Also, they will transfer the merit of good roots, vowing to be born in my Land, reciting my Name single-heartedly, continuously day and night. At the time of near death, many Bodhisattvas and I will appear in front of this person. In an instant, immediately being born in my Land, they will become Avaivartika Bodhisattvas. If this cannot be realised, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(19. Vow of Generating Bodhicitta Upon Hearing My Name; 20. Vow of Receiving at the Time of Death;) 


When I attain Buddhahood, all beings from the ten directions will, upon hearing my Name, continuously be mindful of my Land, generate Bodhicitta, remain steadfast without regression. They will cultivate all kinds of merit and sincerely transfer, wishing to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, they can all do so without failure. If there are evil people who, upon hearing my Name, can immediately repent and cultivate good, following the teachings of the sutras and observing the precepts, vowing to be born in my Land. At the time of death, they will not fall into the three evil paths and can be born instantly in my Land. If this cannot be realized, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(21. Vow of Being Born After Repentance)


When I attain Buddhahood, there will be no women in my Land. If a woman hears my Name, attains pure faith, generates Bodhicitta, tired of being in the woman's body, and vowing to be born in my Land, she will be transformed into a man at the end of her life and come to my Land. Various kinds of beings from the worlds of the ten directions, who are born in my Land, will be transformally born from the lotus of the seven jeweled ponds. If this cannot be realised, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(22: Vow of No Women in the Land; 23: Vow of Transforming into Men from Women; 24: Vow of Transformally Born from the Lotus.)


When I attain Buddhahood, all beings from the ten directions will, upon hearing my Name, joyously believe, pay homage and take refuge. Cultivating the Bodhisattva practices with pure hearts, they will be respected by heavenly beings and humans. If a person hears my Name, he will be born into a prestigious family after death, with complete roots where he can constantly cultivate supreme Brahmacarya practices. If this cannot be realized, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(25. Vow of Paying Homage by Heavenly Beings; 26. Vow of Obtaining Blessings after Hearing the Name; 27. Vow of Cultivating Supreme Practices.) 


When I attain Buddhahood, there will not be any unkind name in my Land. All beings who are born in my Land are of one heart, dwelling in Samyaktva-niyata-rāśi. Forever free from heated afflictions, they will attain coolness in their heart. The happiness they experience is like the arhats with extinction of all afflictions. If they give rise to the thoughts of attachment to their bodies, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(28. Vow of Land without unkindness; 29. Vow of dwelling in the state of right mindfulness; 30. Vow of experiencing happiness with extinction of all afflictions; 31. Vow of not being attached to the body.)  


When I attain Buddhahood, all those born in my Land, with immense good roots, will attain the bodies of Vajra Narayana, with the power of sturdiness. Their bodies and the top of their heads are all illuminated with bright light. They will attain all wisdom and infinite eloquence. They are skillful in speaking the essence of all Dharma, expounding the sutras and practicing the Way, with bell like sounds. If these cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.

(32. Vow of Body of Narayana; 33. Vow of Wisdom of Light Eloquence; 34. Vow of skillfully expounding the Dharma;) 


When I attain Buddhahood, all living beings who are born in my Land, will eventually attain the Position of One Lifetime Replacement. Apart from their original vows for the sake of sentient beings, wearing their vows like armour, they will teach all sentient beings to have faith, practice the Way of Bodhi, and walk the Way of Samantabhadra. Although they are born in other worlds, they are forever away from evil paths. They are either joyously expounding the Dharma, or happily listening to the Dharma, or displaying great spiritual power, practicing at ease, all is perfect and complete. If these cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(35. Vow of the Position of One Lifetime Replacement; 36. Vow of Teaching At Will;)


When I attain Buddhahood, those who are born in my Land will have all the food, clothing, and all kinds of offerings they need, arriving at will, without fail. All the Buddhas of the ten directions will receive their offerings according to their will. If these cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. (37. Vow of Clothing and Food Naturally Arrive; 38. Vow of Buddhas Receive Offerings According to Their Will.) 


When I attain Buddhahood, all things in my Land are sublime and pure. They are of such extraordinary forms and colours that there is no way to measure and describe them. All sentient beings, though they have the divine eye, who can discern their form, light, names, and who can proclaim them in general, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(39. Vow of Infinite Adornments.)


When I attain Buddhahood, there will be trees of infinite colours in my Land – the size of which is hundreds of thousands of yojanas high. The trees of the Bodhimanda are four million li high. Among the Bodhisattvas, even though there are those with inferior roots, they will still be able to know it. If you wish to see the majesty of many Pure Buddha-lands, you can view them all among the trees as if they were clear mirrors, with which one can see one's own face. If these cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(40: Vow of the Trees with Infinite Colours; 41: Vow of Buddha-lands Appear Among Trees;)


When I attain Buddhahood, the Buddha-land I reside in is vast and broad, adorned, and pure, as bright as a mirror, illuminating completely the infinite countless and inconceivable Buddha-lands in the ten directions. All beings who see this, will generate the heart of rarity. If this cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(42. Vow of complete illumination of the ten directions;)  


When I attain Buddhahood, from the earth below, right up to the void, palaces, pavilions, ponds, flowers and trees, and all things in the Land are made of infinite precious incense. The fragrance carries all over the worlds in the ten directions. All living beings who smell it will all practice the Dharma. If this cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(43. Vow of Universal Incense;) 


When I attain Buddhahood, all the Bodhisattvas in the Buddha-lands of the ten directions will, upon hearing my Name, all attain the Samadhi of Purity, Liberation and Universal Equality, and with profound mastery overall. Dwelling in Samadhi until one attains Buddhahood. In meditation, one can constantly make offerings to all the countless and boundless Buddhas without losing concentration. If this cannot be achieved, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(44. Vow of Universal Equality Samadhi; 45. Vow of making offerings to the Buddhas in meditation;) 


When I attain Buddhahood, all the Bodhisattvas in other worlds, upon hearing my Name will realise the Dharma of Away from Birth and attain Dharani. They are pure and joyful, and have attained Equal Abode, cultivating Bodhisattva practices, with full merit. They will instantly attain One, Two and Three Endurances, with all the Dharmas. If they cannot realise non-Regression in the present, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment. 

(46. Vow of Attaining Dharani; 47. Vow of Attaining Endurance Upon Hearing the Name; 48. Vow of Presently Realizing Non-Regression.) 

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Rebirth Treatise 往生论


Three Levels of Rebirth 三辈往生